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For the people that don't know what I'm talking  about that is seeing this right now I'm going to stop at where I stoped at in my deleted fan fic In my first fan fic story before I deleted it I stopped at where Michael and Tamari made love after she took a long break from making amazing music and also when she was at the hospital she find out that she couldn't have kids no more after her 3 daughters but she still wanted more and more children deep down. She didn't understand why that happened to her. But here's what happened after Tamari and Michael was done making love

January 20 1989 3:00 Tuesday PM afternoon

Michael POV
After what happened with me and Tamari we was still in love and we still are till this day. Not because we made love that amazing night it's  because of her heart and  her beautiful soul. She's beautiful inside and out and I know she will do anything for me because that's how bad she loves me. She raised amazing beautiful kids just like how she was raised. I just can't stop thinking about her. Now I'm in my room in Neverland with my chimpanzee bubbles  thinking about her. We're both in love I know that for a fact.

Tamari POV
Man...... I can't believe I made love to my best friend. It feels like a dream but it actually happened for real real. Michael was so amazing that night. I'm in love with him and he is in love with me. I love that amazing man to death ever since we were babies growing up. He was so OMG fine  sexy and rough while we made love that night. I was  in my house thinking about him and I'm still am till this day. I haven't told nobody yet but I believe Michael did. Oh damn. Well....... I don't know what to do and my kids don't even know either....... Damn.... What can I do??? What should I do???...... I'll just won't tell nobody until it's the time...

Yasmeen opens the door quickly.......

Tamari: what Yasmeen???

Yasmeen: I'm sorry mom but I just wanted to check on you to make sure your okay.

Tamari: alright sweetheart but just don't do that for now on okey....

Yasmeen: alright mom. Are you hungry mom?? You know I can make you something to eat in the refrigerator....

Tamari: no I'm fine sweetheart. Where's your sisters at???

Yasmeen: they outside chilling in the sun. I'm with them outside too but I will leave you alone though mom and let you have your space....

Tamari: okay cinnamon slim girl I'll see you later sweetheart when I get out of my house.

Yasmeen: alright  mamma bear.

Yasmeen closes the door gently and runs downstairs to go outside with her sisters..

Tamari POV
I just need to relax and get some sleep I guess. I'm really tired 🥱.

Tamari goes to sleep.

Yasmeen POV
After I went downstairs I was curious about my mom because it seem like ever since we came back and my mom did as well it looked like she is in love but we don't know who it is though. I don't want my mom to go through the things that happened to us in the past but I'm just gonna leave that alone and mind my own business. I wonder what my sisters think of that. I hope it somebody that we love a lot.

Yasmeen goes outside and talks to her sisters.

Yasmeen: do y'all notice what's been happening lately here??

Joanie: well mom has been acting strange but in a good way I'll say....

Ashley: well mommy might just be having butterflies lately but not telling us though.

Yasmeen: well do you think that we should investigate on what has been happening with mom??

Joanie: what?!! Are you kidding!!! That's ridiculous!!

Ashley: well I wouldn't mind but that is crazy though....

Joanie: girl you is crazy.

Yasmeen: I'm crazy???? You haven't even told mom that last night while you was sleeping you was moaning somebody's name....

Joanie looks at Yasmeen shocking while her mouth dropped. Ashley putting her head down while shaking her head.

Yasmeen: yeah.... Ugh 😣...... and you calling me crazy girl I'm just trying to protect mom that's all I'm doing okay???

Ashley: I bet it was Marlon (giggles historically)

Joanie: GIRLS it was not Marlon okay He's like a brother to me not a boyfriend.

Yasmeen: who's Marlon???

Ashley: oh no....... You don't know who Marlon is.. ..... do you know who the Wayans family is??? They are hilarious 🤣. That's a hilarious family right there.

Yasmeen: oh that's cool 😎.

Ashley. They have a show call In Living Color that comes on every week. You should watch it sis. They coming on tonight. Please???!!!

Yasmeen: okay I will Ashley.

Joanie phone rings inside of the house. The girls runs in the house fast as they could and runs into Joanie room to know who was that but Joanie grabs the phone first fast and quickly and says hey Marlon on the phone while Yasmeen and Ashley listens.........

Marlon and Joanie on the phone.........

Ashley: how was your day Marlon???

Marlon: my day was good how about yours

Ashley: yeah mines been good too. Do you want to go to that party that you told me about this Friday?

Marlon: yeah I don't mind. You can invite your sisters to come with you. I don't mind meeting them. Is Ms Tamari okay???

Joanie: yeah my moms doing okay. I can ask my sisters if they want to come to us this Friday.

Marlon: okay I will see you then.... I'll talk to you later bye Jay

Joanie: bye Marlon.

Marlon and Joanie hangs up there phones...

Joanie looks at her sisters and asked them if they wanted to go with her Friday Ashley and Yasmeen both replied yes they going with her but they both said they have to ask mom first before they go that Friday.

Yasmeen POV
I've always wondered who's Marlon but I will find out but how did my baby sister Ashley knew his name though 🧐?? Well maybe it was because she hearsJoanie conversations with Marlon so maybe that's the case though I guess........ everything's changing though....... I don't like it....... At all..........

Michael and Tamari:  The Crazy Love Story of Mrs and Mr JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now