Living my best life

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Joanie POV
The next day it was a great day for me Ashley, mom and Michael.... Just the four of us having a great time at home.... Everything went back to normal for good..... Michael always been a father figure to me even as a baby I remember him checking up on me when me my sisters and my mom would go places but he didn't know what was going on at that period of time... until around 1979 when the news broke about my moms abuse.... But anyway things went perfect, my risk was healing a little bit and mom decided to talk to me while Ashley and Michael was playing outside...

Joanie: hey mom

Tamari: hey sweetie..... can I talk to you for a minute

Joanie: yeah sure..

Tamari and Joanie sits at a table.....

Tamari: sweetheart, I know that in the past you must have felt like you shouldn't ask me for anything because you felt like you can do things on your own since you getting older.... But you still a baby even when you 18 you will always be a baby my babies.... You can always (holds Joanie hands) you can always To be honest you should always  tell me anything that's going on.... Don't hid it for me... you see what happened

Joanie: I know mom...... I'm not like that anymore..... I've changed mom..... I'm not the same person anymore.... The girl that sneaks out of your house every mourning, every night..... that's not me... I've learned my lesson

Tamari: I'm glad you did..... I'll just have to say this though... when a person think that they know everything they will know the consequences that  they will experience....... It's not your fault it's mine because I should have known

Joanie: mom.... It's not your fault.... Don't blame yourself...... don't blame God.... Don't blame anyone else...... it's neither us fault..... I love you mom

Tamari: aww I love you too my pumpkin (hugs Joanie)

Ashley and Michael comes back in the house

Tamari: hey guys

Joanie: hey kids

Ashley and Michael: hey everybody

Michael: Tamari can Joanie come with us to get some ice cream...

Tamari: yeah sure.

Joanie: thanks mom.... I'll be right back bye mom

Ashley: bye mom

Michael: (kisses Tamari on the lips) bye sweetie

Tamari: bye everyone......

Ashley Joanie and Michael leaves the house......

Tamari POV
After my kids and Michael came home still eating their ice cream Michael bought me ice cream as well. Even though I didn't ask for I ice cream but I was glad that he did anyway.... During the day after my kids are their ice cream they went upstairs and went to their rooms to watch tv..... while me and Michael cuddle up in the living room with the covers on kissing and hugging.. but we didn't have sex.... We just talked like sweethearts and decided to watch tv... as soon as we turned on the tv we went to mtv channel and then we saw the Newsman that was talking  about my sister Sheila and about prince got married. Michael was shocked but I knew about it. I've always liked prince as a teenager, back then prince wanted to date me first but I refused so that was why he went to Sheila. I don't have a problem with prince I've never did though he's nice. While we was still watching it prince and Sheila came to the camera on tv and stated that they just gotten married and they are in love financially.. oh boy 🤦‍♀️. Here's what they said on mtv live

Prince and Sheila on tv

Sheila: yeah we decided to get married but we couldn't wait no time soon because we're in love

Prince: yeah we're in love. She's my lady now. My wife. Our fans doesn't know that we're married yet but they will find out soon or later...

Cameraman: I understand but that's nice I hope y'all enjoy y'all lives together.

Prince: thank you

Michael turns off the TV

Tamari: Michael?!!

Michael: sorry honey....

Tamari: Michael why did you turn the tv off

Michael: because I'm ready to make love

Tamari: aww come here baby (kisses Michael on the lips)

Michael: (grunts) oh baby....

May 21, 1989 Monday morning 8:20 am

Marlon POV
While I was in jail I was getting beat by older men that was way bigger than me.... I was getting in getting attacked every-time. It was horrible and one men said to me you deserve to be here woman beater after he broke 5 of my teeth by punching me... I missed home and Yasmeen was in the same prison as me while she was getting Beaten over and over again.... I remember one night when I was playing asleep in my jail cell I heard older men beating her and tried to raped her over and over again. But she fought back every time.  It was a trauma experience. But then my mom visit me and we talked whatever and she was crying because she was scared for me but she knew I had to be there.... She understand what was going on. She couldn't believe that I was there but she understand. We both said our byes and I went back to my jail cell. Jail food was so disgusting that I didn't even eat for days... it wasn't good at all.... Horrible memory.....

Marlon Jackson POV
Me and Carol haven't talked in days due to me and Carol still separated for months and months Janet came to my house and talked to me and gave me advice

Janet:(sighs) Marlon..... do you really want to divorce Carol??

Marlon: I don't know..... it's just Carol always been uppity all the time and always believed that the house belongs to her. I feel controlled and tired from her... i don't understand her... I love her but if we do get back together then there can be a change and I can get rid of the divorce papers.....

Janet: I know.... You know that Carol can be crazy sometimes but you and Carol have to work this out together.... She's crazy about you. She's spiritual and loves you deeply and she loves y'all children... let me fix the paycheck for this house. Let me pay this bills for this house while you and Carol figure things out.

Marlon: alright sis.... Thanks sis (hugs Janet)

Janet: no problem big bro.....

May 22, 1989 Tuesday mourning 10:15 am

Tamari POV
After I woke up from upstairs with me and Michael in the bed naked after we made love yesterday then went upstairs after, I heard my phone rang over and over again downstairs so I put my black robe on and I went downstairs I answered the phone and it was Mrs Wayans which was Marlon's mother. She wanted to talk to me about the things that happened and I didn't mind

Mama Wayans and Tamari on the phone.....

Mama Wayans: can we set up a meeting for us to talk

Tamari: yeah we can. What time

Mama Wayans: Around 1:40 pm afternoon around at Beverly Hills. Is that okay with you?

Tamari: yes definitely. I'll be there... thank you

To be continued......

Michael and Tamari:  The Crazy Love Story of Mrs and Mr JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now