Family Honors

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July 31, 1994. 1:55 am in the morning

Ashley: I'm not going. And I don't want to go so please don't force me...

Joanie: Ashley, (scoffs) why are you saying this to me?

Ashley: I want to do the same thing to Yvette like she did the same thing with me when I was at the hospital after my hypotension experience. This is her karma after what she said to me before she drove off yesterday. I'm tired anyway.. I'll watch over the house while everyone's gone. I promise. And I can make Marcia and Tania some breakfast. Are they up?

Joanie: yeah. But I am taking my children with me though.

Tamari: I can tell them to go back to sleep since they already up. Are you sure you can do this on you're own?

Ashley: yes mom.

Tamari: well, alright. Come on Joanie let's get dressed and I'm am gonna bring something back to eat for all of us after we leave the hospital.

Ashley's POV
At that moment I asked myself why should I go? Why do I need to go to the hospital to meet someone that didn't even come to see me while I was at the hospital? It doesn't make sense to me. After my family gotten dressed and left the house I felt free until my baby sisters came up to my room for me to read a book to them. I didn't mind because they are my baby sisters. They didn't know why the family left so early that mourning. I read them 2 books as they sat on my lap listening to me. Once I read the second book to them they both felled asleep in my arms. They were so adorable sleeping. Little muffin babies.

Yvette's POV
Yesterday I got into a terrible car accident. While I was in My car I flipped over about four times. It was a miracle and the fact that I didn't blacked out or passed out makes me believe that God put me here for a reason. Tamari, and Joanie did meet me even though after all I've done to Ashley. After all what went down between me and Ashley. They checked up on me to make sure that I was okay even though I was in pain but that made me feel a little bit better. Even though Ashley didn't come to see me which i know why she didn't and to be honest to me it was a good thing that she didn't come to see me because I know why and I'm paying the price for what I said to her that night. After they left I even felt more guilty because I just felt guilty at that moment. I can't describe it but that's how I felt at that moment. Bumper was still there for me even when I didn't deserve it. At some point I was ready to tell bumper about my life and what I went through growing up.

Yvette: bumper, you must think that I'm really sweet and pure but I'm not behind closed doors. Bumper i have to tell you something.... I um- I'm jealous of Ashley...(covers her face)

Bumper mouth drops

Bumper: are you serious??? Yvette-

Yvette: bumper, don't-(scoffs) please don't be mad at me. She always been a pretty young girl and sometimes I wish I had her features. I've never thought I was pretty, or beautiful. Especially without makeup. The same day when I found out Shawn cheated on me with some ugly ratchet hoe ass girl that same girl said the same thing about me being so ugly and saying that I'm one of God's mistakes he ever created. And every time I look at you I would always say to myself why a good looking man like you would date someone that's very ugly...I don't understand.... And I was-(scoffs) I've lived in an abusive household and I had an abusive narcissist mother who kicked her own child at 16 out of her own house. My father who was a rapist that raped my best friend's grandmother Jayne and she died from AIDS but people still say that she been had it long time ago around the 70s but didn't know. And my father of course died of AIDS and didn't leave me nothing in his will. My mom was the only person that was in his will. He gave all his money up to her but before he died he told me I was in his will. But that was a lie. One night my mom and I gotten into a heated argument and it... it um- turned very bad.... Very physical. She beat me like I was a stranger on the street.... Threw all of my stuff out the window In my room, dragged me outside and told me I'm on my own for now on....(breaks down) I'm sorry.... I've never thought I was pretty. No one ever told me I'm beautiful until you came along....

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