Jealousy On The Way-Sisterhood

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The whole family has been going through it after all they went through together. Everyone in the family needs healing and therapy for a very long time because things has been going different lately. After Ashley was rushed to the hospital Yvette decided to stay in her house after bumper went with Ashley to the hospital. Deep down Yvette is now starting to become jealous of Ashley. That's Yvette biggest secret she has never told anyone. Joanie is working in a movie with Keenan ivory Wayans around this time of this year but the family still don't know about Joanie working with the Wayans family again. More things coming by.

July 2, 1994
Tamari's POV
My sister justice was banging on my door after I just finished reading a kids book to my twin daughters. Once I get the door justice was crying and panicking because at that moment she told me my daughter Ashley was rushed to the hospital after she collapsed at Yvette's house. I got in my car after I kissed my kids telling them I'll be right back and after justice told me she was going to watch over my kids once I'm gone. After I arrived at the hospital I saw my older daughter Joanie just looking stress while holding her babies until she saw me.

Tamari: Joanie, are you okay?

Joanie: mom, what does it look like? Of course I'm not okay. Mom-

Tamari: Joanie, I understand what you're gonna say but I needed a break. I'm still going through it and I didn't know this was gonna happen. Where is she

Joanie: mom, you have to ask the nurses right behind you. I'm still waiting

Nurse walks towards tamari

Nurse: umm Ms Smith, I'm glad that you're here because Ashley did experience hypotension and I-

Joanie interrupts

Joanie: nurse I'm so sorry for interrupting but did you say Ms Smith instead of Mrs Jackson? Mom are- you and dad divorce didn't y'all, and he married that bitch Lisa. Mom is that why you kept Ashley with us for so long?!

Tamari: Joanie, watch you're tone

Joanie: mom, you can't tell me what to do okay because I'm a grown ass woman. Mom I don't understand you. I don't know why you-

Tamari: Joanie, don't. Talk. About it. Okay? Yes me and your dad Michael are divorce officially and yes he did marry Lisa. He did it behind my back. I kept it a secret because I knew it would have affected y'all and guess what it did... he married her after we divorce each other 3 days later. Nurse I-

Nurse: tamari, where were you when this took place?

Tamari: I was at home reading a book to my kids until my oldest sister justice came to my front door and told me about this...(sighs) girls I'm very sorry. I just lost my son, it's hard to stay strong after loosing a baby and I almost lost another baby.

Joanie: you almost did mom, I was there when it happened but you should have been the one to see your own child... mom.... Ashley breathing was bad, everything's changed. Mom I almost had a heart attack after seeing Ashley on the floor fighting for her life!! I saw my own husband died in front of me! That's why she's in the hospital mom right now. I'm going through it too. And you know what I can buy myself a house, I don't need you. Ashley had orthostatic hypotension today mom. Check on your babies mom. Your babies. Nurse can my mom see Ashley right now

Nurse: yes sure, come on tamari.

Ashley's POV
I fell into a coma after my experience from orthostatic hypotension. Once I finally open my eyes I smiled as I saw my mom standing there holding my hand but I couldn't feel her hands because I was numb. I heard everything she was telling me except her not mentioning her divorce from dad. She did not mention that to me but I already know and she probably knows that I know. She kissed my forehead after she cried right in front of me telling me how she was thankful that I'm still here on this earth after my little brother's death. She told me she loves me and I told her I love her back. Hours later everybody in my family did visit me from the hospital including Mrs Katherine Jackson but my dad and Yvette were the only people that didn't visit me. That hurt me real bad because I even thought dad would be the first person to enter that hospital door. Yvette I didn't care at all if she came or not. Bumper and I did talk days later after I recovered from my tragic experience. My mom did visit me everyday when I was at the hospital until I left the hospital. Yasmeen did visit me. I still love and miss her so much. After I left the hospital I went back to my moms for a while until me and Yvette were back on terms again. We forgave each other and shrugged it off like nothing happened. Even when I mention things to her she would be like girl I don't want to talk about it or the past is the past. She does the same thing with bumper. My sister Joanie bought herself a house for her and her babies. Joanie doesn't live with Yvette anymore. Now I'm living in my room at my moms house just... not the same anymore. I definitely didn't see my dad the same either. My mom still doesn't mention or talk to me about their divorce. It must have been a nasty ugly divorce. They were getting a divorce while I was with Yvette and my sister Joanie and her children.

Michael and Tamari:  The Crazy Love Story of Mrs and Mr JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now