Ex or NOT EX

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April 31, 1989 Sunday 11:35 pm night

Sheila POV
As soon as I heard prince say Tatiana I was like oh hell to the mother fucking no.... Not this bitch!!! This bitch fucked everybody in the street.... Things went ugly as fuck........

Tatiana: prince.......

Prince: what Tatiana??!!

Tatiana: prince you don't have to do all of that..... remember way before you fucked this bitch right here you came to my house just to have sex....... Wait a minute I think it was before and after you gotten with this bitch

Sheila:who the fuck do you think you talking too bitch!!!!

Tatiana: prince.......

Prince: Sheila, honey please calm down

Sheila: no the fuck I'm not calming down!!!! You fucked this whore the whole time and you telling me to calm down?!!! Fuck this shit!! 

Tatiana laughs

Sheila: and bitch you think it's funny (runs up to Tatiana and punches her in her face)

Prince: Sheila!!!!

Sheila POV
During that moment I didn't understand why I did that because when someone's pregnant, you should never hurt them because it's dangerous for them and the baby that there carrying...... prince grabbed me and me and him got in his car and we argued before and after he drove off.... As soon as he got out of his car, I got out and ran upstairs to get my baseball bat and ran downstairs, went outside and started to breaking and slamming prince window with my baseball bat...... prince was so pissed off that he tried to choke me in anger but I hit prince with my bat over and over again.....

Sheila: tell that hoe to come here because I got something for her ass too!!! Don't fuck with me prince!!! You messed with the wrong one today!!! Fuck you prince and take this Shitty as car and leave

Prince:(looks at Sheila) oh no the fuck I'm leaving!! Your ass is leaving!!! You don't pay shit in my goddamn house!!!! Not one bit!!

Sheila: fuck you!!!

Prince: fuck you Sheila!! I didn't cheat on your ass!!!

Sheila POV
After the argument was over, prince and I stoped talking and I decided to sleep downstairs in the living room and the next day I left and grabbed my belongings, I took my kids with me as well...... my kids kept asking me where are we going mom?? Where are we going?? I didn't ask them because I was so busy grabbing my luggage and there's too..... I called Justice to pick us up because my car was still being fixed in the car station...... minutes later Justice finally was outside waiting and me and my children left prince house..... we had everything with us to take with us and we got in Joanie car and she drove off....... Justice kept asking me but I told her I don't want to talk about it...... Justice and my kids talked while I was still thinking about what happened that night. Shit...............

Later that day

Joanie POV
I woke up around 8:35 am and Marlon was out of the bed downstairs making breakfast.... I didn't have school because it was teachers day.... I came downstairs and me and Marlon said good morning and we both kissed and I sat in the living room kitchen.... I made myself some coffee and I heard a loud knock on Marlon's door..... Marlon opened the door and shit went loose..... fuck!!

Marlon opens the door

Marlon: Yasmeen?!!

Yasmeen: hey Marlon

Marlon: Yasmeen what are you doing here?!! You suppose to be at juvenile....

Yasmeen: they released me early...... anyway what you cooking

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