Trust Can Kill You

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Yvette POV-February 5, 1993
After I dropped out of college I decided to move back to tamari's house. I did call her and told her how I felt about college and she understands that.She didn't mind me coming back to her house because she's been planning on buying me a house and told me that she will pay my future house bills for me. Once I got in my car I felt negative energy for some reason. I didn't understand and I didn't know why. While I was driving to tamari's house I became worried, not because of me, but something else. I finally arrived in front of Tamari's house after driving there 25 minutes later. I got out of my car, locked my car doors, and knocked on the door after walking towards the door step. I could hear tamari running down the steps and rumbling.. Tamari finally opens the door then asked me... have you seen Marcia and Tania? No Mrs Jackson, I said.

Tamari: (scoffs) come on in...

Yvette: did something happen...

Tamari: I don't know where's Michael and my daughters. Ashley is in her room sleeping but not my twin daughters.

Yvette: have you called Michael?

Tamari: yes, but he hasn't answered his phone. I called him 3 times. You know what I'm finna drive to his studio because he usually be there all the time.

Tamari grabs her keys

Tamari: I'll be back, tell Ashley once she wakes up that I went to Wendy's to get us some breakfast because I am going to Wendy's today.

Tamari closes and locks the door. Ashley walks downstairs.

Ashley: moms gonna kill dad isn't she?..

Yvette sighs

Tamari POV
At that point I couldn't take it anymore. Michael always been a secretive person all of his life but it's getting worse. While I was driving my car my anger started to build up because of my daughters. I don't give a damn what people gonna say what I'm about to say but Michael should have asked me that could he take Marcia and Tania with him to the studio. I would have been great with that. I want my children to be safe after all what happened and what we went through. I'm tired of this. I want to protect my children because it's my job. After I arrived to Michaels studio I got out of my car, then knocked on the studio door. I kept waiting and waiting and waiting... I tried to kick the door but finally one of the people opened the door. I went outraged because I had to wait more than 15 minutes for somebody to open the door for me. I stopped when I saw my two daughters and Michael. I grabbed my daughters without even looking at Michael. Michael didn't understand why but I kept telling him to never ever take our twin daughters with him without asking me again. Michael was very pissed off because he believed that he didn't do nothing wrong... (sighs).

Michael: Tamariyah, what are you talking about?.. I didn't do nothing wrong

Tamari: you don't think that you did nothing wrong?.. you don't know what could have happened while our babies are here with yo ass. (Kisses Tania and Marcia on their foreheads while hugging them tightly). They needs to be protected. Did somebody came up to your studio today?? I need to know... girls did somebody came here that made you feel uncomfortable...

Michael: you know what, I don't have to tell you shit okay.. this is my shit and I can do whatever I want. I don't care how you feel, you can't control me... if I want to bring people up in my studio while the girls are here I can do that. None of my friends are evil, and don't see me as a money machine.

Tamari: you're fucking crazy. I'm gone, I don't want you speak to me once you come to my house. You don't know how people can be. You can't trust everybody. Once you're huge a lot of people will try to tear you down. I'm tired of you, I'm leaving...don't choose people first before you're family. I'm sick of that shit!! Not everybody isn't you're friend...

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