The Consequences

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Now it's 1990!!!! After it was New Year's Eve Michael, Tamari, and the family were still having a great time at neverland. Janet on the other hand is still pissed and still lonely about what happened. She hasn't talked to nobody. She doesn't know yet that Latoya is in big danger while being with jack Gordon and the family don't know that she's with him. Katherine still don't know that Joseph is still cheating on her with his baby mama and still having a secret relationship with his baby mama and spending more time with his secret daughter. Marlon is still in prison and Yasmeen is in prison still but she decided to go back because she's taking responsibility for her actions. Shawn is out of prison still living with his parents. Yvette father is at death row in prison meaning that he's going to be executed soon. Yvette is living with her mother. Yvette mother was tested negative for HIV. Jayne is getting worse in the hospital that she died almost 3 Times but came back to life. Carol and Marlon are still trying to help Their marriage by going therapy and Counseling. Sheila and prince are happily married. Justice let's the past go and move on. Tamari new album black Pearls already been released and so is Janet new album rhythm nation. Tamari and Janet albums turned out to be one of the best albums of 1989. Joanie is still writing her new album that's going to be released around may. Tania and Marcia are 3 month old babies. During the day on Jan 5, 1990 Michael and the family which are Tamari Joanie Ashley and the babies went to a place that Michael had to sign for him to adopt Ashley and Joanie. After Michael finally signed the papers he was already Their dad for now on and went back home. The fans still don't know that Michael and Tamari are married still...........

Jan 6, 1990 Friday morning
Joanie POV
After that my dad is Michael Jackson. I was happy that Michael wanted to be our dads for now on since our biological father is in prison and we didn't know about our biological father. Our biological father was not a great father, he wasn't a good guy either. I never had a close relationship with my biological father because he never cared about me or my sisters that includes Yasmeen. I felt a lot better since Michael decided to adopt us. Michael always been a father to me. Even when I was a baby he acted like a father. A way better father then my biological father. It's amazing. The best gift of my life. Ashley was happy as well.

Ashley POV
I'm still happy that Michael became my dad. He's the best sweetest person i ever met my whole life. I never had a father figure until Michael came around. I should say dad because he's my dad now. I love him so much. I love my mom, my whole family as well. Even though we fight and argue all the time but that's my family. That's all I care about. And my birthday is on the 13 of January. My birthday conning up 🥲. I'm so happy

Sheila POV
My kids at home with me and prince Just relaxing and just being at home. Prince and my kids started to play games while I was probably asleep because when I woke up I heard cards just being rumbling. But anyway my days been great. Justice kept calling me but I decided to answer it. She wasn't screaming or doing that any kind of bullshit. She was calm and wanted to let me know that she's over with it and things like that. After 10 minutes of talking on the phone with Justice we both decided to call each other later and we both hung up. I was still thinking about the dirty scumbag cops that beaten my sister Tamari to death. But thankfully they are in prison for a very long time. There were bunch of evidence of them hurting my sister. I'm just thankful that my sister is okay and she's having a great time. I gave her space so that's why I haven't talked to her lately.

Justice POV
My day turned out very well for me because I realized that the past can't affect my future because I went through so much and I understand and realized that I'm letting my past affect my future. It can't be like that anymore. Even though Jayne is evil but I can't still mess around with her. I'm still hurting because of her. I can't stand her still, can't stand her now. I don't know any mother who pays someone to hurt their child all because of fucking money...... fucking money!!!

Katherine POV
My days been great for me lately. I had the chance to meet my grand babies that is Tania and Marcia. They are so adorable and precious. I hugged and talked to Michael. Michael told me about Jayne. I wasn't suspect that happen at all. Tamari and the girls wasn't at neverland I think they went to the mall somewhere. Michael also told me that he adopted Ashley and Joanie. I was happy for Michael. But yeah the things that Michael told me made my jaw dropped but I wasn't surprise. Because I know how Jayne can be but for her to pay someone to brutally beat their daughter all because of dirty money that's just insane and disgusting. After me and Michael talked I decided to give Michael space and left Neverland, and got in my car drove off. I was still shook about what happened between Jayne and Tamari. Michael also told me to not talk or speak to her even if I wanted too because she's dangerous. I don't know what to say. To be honest I kind of figured that Jayne was going to go back to her crazy self again. I knew it......

Yvette POV
Days went by, I was still stressed out about what happened. But I calmed down and tried to move on but i couldn't because my dad is going to be executed soon...... days went by was just really worse for me. I'm going to loose my dad soon..... really soon........

Latoya POV
Ever since I was with jack Gordon my life turned upside down for me. I realized that nobody can't save me I have to save myself. I have to get out of this situation. It's so hard for me to get out of This hell hole. Jack is evil and always has been. He beats me, force me into playboy already, he's Mean. Now he wants me to write a book about my family. On top of that way before this happened me and him was already together around Aug 1989 and Joseph couldn't stand him because of jack forcing me into play boy. That's how my family found out of my relationship with jack Gordon. My family knew me doing playboy was not me at all. I don't even like playboy magazine. My family tried to warn me. But I didn't listen Ugh help me lord. I don't know what to do.

Jan 15, 1990

Ashley POV
My birthday was amazing. I had a lot of things but I'm not going to get into it because I had a lot of stuff for my birthday and it's a lot of information that happened on my birthday. But anyway after my birthday happened i just slept for days and just relaxed. It was great for me until I turned my tv on and I saw Latoya on television being interview by phill donahu bashing a lot of stuff. Dad came up and I told him that Latoya is talking negative but I didn't tell him who she was talking about because he already looked at my tv and heard everything. My mom and my sisters were downstairs eating food that was from my birthday. Dad and I looked at each other and he told me that Latoya Is telling a lie and she's in danger. My dad knew that something was wrong with Latoya but here's the problem. My dad can't save her because if he do he will be dead.......

To be continued............

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