The Truth Hurts

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Yvette POV
During that day we all four went into detention and suspects asked questions about the attack that Marlon did to Joanie..... I didn't want to speak to him or look at him I just wanted to see was Joanie okay but I couldn't.... After they asked all of us questions we all four took a lie Detector test.... I wasn't scared or anything anymore..... they did me first and after 15 minutes I was finished and I passed my lie detector test. They did Shawn second and it only took him 20 minutes, he almost did passed the lie detector test, he only missed one. Yasmeen was the third one and it took her longer than ever I'll say 30 minutes... she didn't pass the test at all didn't even get one right smh. Then it was Marlon and he did his lie Detector test and I watched the whole thing because I wanted to know. Yasmeen wanted to speak to me but I didn't want to hear it, but anyway I watched Marlon and here's what happened.......

Fed 1: did you know that Yasmeen was on the loose?

Marlon: no

Fed 2: why not?

Marlon: because she told me that juvenile released her...

Fed 3: damn..... well we're going to fix that on our own since you Yvette and Shawn didn't know so let's talk about Joanie.... Her oldest sister..... did you touch her

Marlon: yes

Fed 2: why?

Marlon: because Joanie pissed me off you know

Fed 1: were you drinking way before she called you to tell you that she was pregnant and you Didn't know......

Marlon: yes

Fed 2: what kind??

Michael: alcohol Hennessy

Fed 1: (takes a deep breath) I hate to tell you this but man you know that this can ruin your life.... In your car we found blood, black hairs and a gun under your seat

Yvette:(covers her mouth)

Marlon: yeah I know

Fed 2: it's not yeah I know..... you know that Tamari which is her mother is pressing charges on you for attacking her daughter and for Yasmeen she's going to be sentence for a very long time......

Fed 1: did you want to kill her

Marlon: NO!!

Fed: did you tried to plan it out??

Marlon: NO!!!!(looks at Yvette) I threatened her life. She couldn't stop crying so I grabbed my gun and I put the gun in her head and I threatened her life....

Yvette starts to cry.........

Fed 3: where were y'all going

Marlon: abortion clinic

Fed 2: you forced her to get an abortion??

Marlon: yes

Fed 1: did you pay for it??

Marlon: yes

Fed 3: did you threatened her again

Marlon: yes

Fed 2: what did you say

Marlon: I whispered in her ear and I said if you tell anyone about what happened between us I'll beat her to the white meat...... after that I paid for the abortion she was quite before and after we got in my car I parked where there wasn't any cars left and I was making her feeling bad about herself

Fed 1: what did you say to her to make her feel bad about herself

Marlon: I said things like you know that God hates you for good and things wouldn't have went like this if she told me later and other things that I don't remember.....

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