Mixed Up Feelings Tuesday

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Feb 25 1989 Tuesday mourning 8:35 am

Yasmeen: Marlon what are you doing here???

Marlon: I'm here to pick y'all girls up and take y'all to school... Shawn's in the car

Ashley: Marlon........ was that you the whole time when I thought it was mama

Marlon: (laughs) yeah

Ashley: oh my goodness!!! You sound like mama!!!

Yasmeen: and....... How did you and Shawn know where we live........ do you creep??

Marlon: (laughs) sorry Yasmeen I don't do that and besides....... Tamari planned this out she knew I was going come here......

Yasmeen: what!!!

Marlon: I'm sorry Yasmeen....... But she told me to tell y'all that she's coming here tonight for real...... you don't have to believe me it's okay

Ashley: I believe you

Yasmeen: I don't...... I will call mom Marlon

Marlon: alright Yasmeen but do you forgive me

Yasmeen: yeah.... But I'm still pissed

Marlon: I'm sorry...... Yvette and Joanie ready??

Ashley: yeah they are I'll get them.....

Ashley runs to the living room........

Yasmeen: (rolls her eyes at Marlon)

Marlon: Yasmeen your a tripe.........

Yasmeen: no it's Just that I was worried about Michael and my mom and your here...... it creeps me

Marlon: i understand but for real your moms okay.... She talked to me

Yasmeen: and what's gonna make me believe your telling the truth Marty mar??

Marlon: (laughs) you know what I will leave you alone alright I won't bother or call you how about that......

Yasmeen: fine!!! (Slams the door)

Yasmeen walks away

Joanie: whats wrong Yasmeen 😞.

Yasmeen: I'm not going with Shawn and Marlon!!! I'm not going

Ashley: oh my god...... really.....

Yasmeen: you damn skippy...., I'm not going

Yvette: (hugs Yasmeen) it's okey can you just go with us..... we are not gonna let you walk up to the school

Yasmeen: Yvette I'm not going.... I'm walking

Marlon opens the door and goes to the living room

Yasmeen: ugh Marlon please......

Marlon: Joanie please tell Yasmeen that I'm sorry......

Joanie: I understand Marlon.... Ashley told us....

Yasmeen: I still don't believe you Marlon......

Marlon: sighs Yasmeen...... at some point you have to

Yasmeen: well I don't want too..... and tell your brother Shawn that if he sees me walking down the street don't come to save me

Marlon: (grab Yasmeen) your coming with us

Yasmeen: no the hell I'm not (pushes Marlon back rough)
Marlon:what's wrong with you Yasmeen!!

Yvette: Yasmeen what's wrong with you...... you wasn't like this when you woke up.......

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