Hurt to better

49 1 0

Feb 25, 1989 Tuesday 1:35 am

Joanie POV
My mom's been gone for hours due to Michael being in the hospital. I was so worried about Michael because why would Michael be in the hospital.... When Michael was here Michael never had pains unless mamma was too rough on him in bed. 🙈🤷‍♀️. Maybe that is the case but I believe Michael going be okay and be back with mom. What really happened was that it was Michael baby sister Janet knocking on moms door and told her that Michaels in the hospital....... And that was when we found out by mom coming upstairs to our room and told us that. After that mom told us that she will be right back and went with Janet and never came back ever since for hours...... I don't like what's been happening...... I hope Michaels okay...... I hope my mom and Janet is okay...... I don't know what to do........

The girls hear bangs on their window.....


Ashley: chicken head

Yasmeen:(laughs, and opens the window)

Joanie:who is it (while hiding under the covers)

Yasmeen: it's Yvette

Ashley:(breaths heavenly) why you here Yvette??

Yasmeen: because I told her.

Joanie: does your parents know Yvette (gets up the covers and walks towards Yvette)

Yvette: yeah they know.....

Ashley: wait a minute..,. You told her Yasmeen?

Yasmeen: yes Ashley okey? Don't be to questionable okay

Yvette: sorry I came here fast tail girls...... but Yasmeen called me and told me what happened. I promised I won't tell...... alright. I hope Michael gets better for real.....

Ashley: I understand

Joanie: we all do.......

Yvette: do y'all wanna play checkers???

All the girls shouts no.......

Yvette: well..... how about.........

Yvette looks at Ashley and tags Ashley

Yvette: tag your it Ashley!!!!

Ashley: (giggles and runs after Yvette)

All the girls runs downstairs and upstairs by playing tag..........

Janet POV
While Tamari was with me I was driving in my car to go back to the hospital where Michael was at. Tamari was so worried and scared to death........

Tamari: oh my god..... oh my god... Michael chest pains is the cause of Michael being in the hospital???

Janet: yeah but he will be okey Tamari I promise.......

Tamari: it's my fault 🤦‍♀️

Janet: Tamari it's not your fault..... why would it be your fault.......

Tamari: because Michael broke up with my ass that's why......

Janet: (laughs) Tamari, my brother Michael loves you dearly and he loves your kids too...... I love you Tamari....... Out of all the girlfriends Michael dated in her life your my favorite one girlfriend of Michael... Stephanie Is my second favorite.

Tamari: aww that was so sweet of you Janet..... I love you too

Janet smiles back at Tamari......

Janet: we're almost there.....

Tamari POV
After Janet and I talked to each other we finally was at the hospital. We got out the car and ran to the hospital..... after we did, the doctors told us to wait a minute but we both was too impatient so me and Janet push the doctors immediately and we both saw Michael and ran up into the room where Michael was at and Michael was fully awake..........

Michael: hey Janet

Janet: hey big bro (hugs Michael) are you okay

Michael: yeah I'm okay

Janet: Michael....... Your baby Tamari's

Michael leans over and sees Tamari....

Tamari: Michael??

Michael: (smiles) come here baby

Tamari: (hugs Michael) oh baby I'm sorry

Michael: it's okay... I was never mad at you or your babies...... I'm only going be here only tomorrow.....I miss you so much....

Tamari: I miss you too sweetheart. I'll stay with you...

Janet smiles at Michael and Tamari....

Janet: lovebirds 🥰. I will be right back tomorrow to check on you Michael. I will be at never land with bubbles..... bye Tamari.....

Tamari: bye Janet.......

Janet leaves

Michael: I'm so glad your here.......

Tamari: I'm so glad I'm here with you too midget

Michael: (giggles) I feel better.......

Tamari: that's great...... I'm sleeping right beside you tonight...... I'm not going home without you.........

Michael: I love you....

Tamari: I love you too

The girls play games while Yvette takes a break....

Yvette: (whew) okey let's just calm down and just talk about things that happened lately....

Joanie: alright what's up Yvette

Yvette: so do y'all remember the times that when me and Shawn just be like enemies all the time??

Ashley: yep I do

Yvette: Ashley teenagers are having a conversation but fine you can listen...

Yasmeen: Yvette.... Are you trying to tell us that you and Shawn like each other.....

Yvette: well sort off

Joanie: damn...... I liked him first....... Yvette you a ho!!!

Yvette: Joanie shut up...... okay because you don't even like Shawn or Marlon......

Joanie: true but did you forget that when someone doesn't like someone at all deep down inside they like each other.......

Yvette: true that but you still didn't like him... I did first so please don't call me a ho you fast tail ass.....

Ashley: can we just calm down...... even though I never liked you Yvette but you shouldn't be called a ho by your best friend....

Yasmeen: exactly!!!

Joanie: I'm toxic but I'm sorry Yvette but Shawn is still cute to me though so you can't take that away from me and besides...... if Shawn liked you, he Would've asked you out....... Period.........

Yasmeen: everybody let's take a shower so we can go to Bed

Yasmeen POV
After we all took our showers and put our pajamas on we went back to sleep and was ready to wake up in the mourning to go back to school... and yes Yvette  did bring some clothes with her for her to spend the night with us..... who wouldn't?? After that I did go downstairs and check to see if every door was lock and the doors were lock so i ran upstairs to my room jumped in my bed and was ready to go to bed. And yeah we all said goodnight and was ready to go to sleep........

February 25 1989 Tuesday mourning 7:54 am.

Tamari POV
It's was a bright sunny shine day after I woke sleeping right next to my baby Michael and Michael woke up and said good mourning and kissed me on the lips....... We both cuddle and then.......   

Michael and Tamari moms are in the same room as Michael and Tamari are.......

Jayne smith: good morning lovebirds

Katherine: our babies in love 🥰

Michael: Mother

Tamari: mom....... Mother!!!

To be continued....... 

Michael and Tamari:  The Crazy Love Story of Mrs and Mr JacksonМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя