What's Happening?? WTF

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Janet Jackson POV October 24, 1989
I will never forget the moment Whitney came in the room. I didn't look at neither one of them. I wanted to punch Bobby in the face badly but I did smack his ass as soon after I grabbed my clothes and left. I was running fast as I could and I could hear Whitney calling me a bitch while I was running away from the hotel. I never turned back. I got In my car and drove off.... I pretended to forget that day... what a fucked up day for me. If Whitney comes back and screaming in my face then it's on. I'm not running this time. I will kick Whitney and Bobby's ass. Every man cheats like a fucking dog....

Sheila POV
I was still at home devastated about mom. My mom acting crazy and getting crazy. Prince told me that I shouldn't visit her because of AIDS. Prince always been scared of aids and I don't blame him for that. AIDS is like a death sentence to me and I definitely don't want to catch that. AIDS is not a joke. At all. I wonder how Tamari feels.......

Tamari POV October 27, 1989
After the days went by I was disturb because of what my daughter Joanie told me. Yes Michael did pick my daughters up and drove them to neverland, but Joanie told me who it was and it was Yvette father that raped my mom. He's in prison now and he's gotten life sentence without parole, that means that he's never gonna get out and he's HIV positive and gave it to my mother. My sisters doesn't even know. I called justice and she was honest with me that mom did call her and asked her to pick her up but she refused. I wasn't angry but I felt like I should have. But idk. Maybe not.

Yvette POV
I found out by my dad because he told me that he raped my best friend grandma and I never looked at my father the same, neither did my mother. I called 911 then he threatened me saying that if I call the police he would kill me and my mom. I looked straight in his eyes and I said do it. He paused and left the house. I fast calling the police and told them what happened and I send them the address where I was living at and the police arrived. My father was arrested. I didn't know that my father raped my best friend grandma until the day I called the police. The same day. I felt guilt all over me because I wished I knew way before he told me. I couldn't sleep, eat, or talk in days. That's how bad it affected me.......

November 1 1989 Friday 5:55 am mourning

Tamari POV
I was at home with Michael and my kids I woke up hearing my phone rang over and over again, so I decided to answer it turned out it was my mom begging me for money. It rub me the wrong way when I kept asking her why, she refused to answer my question. Then things didn't go the right way that I thought it should.

Tamari and Jayne on the phone.....

Tamari: mom, why you can't answer my question.....

Jayne: because you don't need to know

Tamari:(scoffs) mom!! If you are going back to drugs then I can't help you at all. I have children to protect and raise

Jayne: your children?? Really??? You don't even care about Yasmeen....

Tamari: because she's in prison!!!

Jayne: you know what, even though I abandoned you but you don't realize that you abandoned Yasmeen.....

Tamari: what are you talking about?!! You really changed..... I tried to be there for that girl but Yasmeen was too selfish and evil for me to raise!!! You don't understand and realize how you hurt me!!! Everybody hurt me and I'm tired of being hurt...... I tried to be there for you......I'm sick of you........ you failed as a mother

Jayne: you damn right I did!! You know what I don't need you!!! I don't need justice!!  I don't need Sheila!! I don't need no fucking body!!! Bye you sorry Piece of shit!!!  Bye bitch!!!

Michael and Tamari:  The Crazy Love Story of Mrs and Mr JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now