The Snakes at Neverland Part 5

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Michael's POV-July 26, 1993
After Oprah saw me with Lisa she had the nerve to tell everybody including Elizabeth about what she saw. Me and Lisa were just kissing but almost had sex on that day till Oprah caught me.Elizabeth went outraged with me and Lisa....

Elizabeth: are you fucking serious Michael?! Why are you cheating on Tamari with this no good, Elvis evil twin... why Michael?! Why!

Michael: Elizabeth, I can explain.....

Elizabeth: you don't have to explain anything... you did what you did. As soon as tamari finds out about this she's done with your ass Michael....

Michael: Elizabeth, don't say that.... Oprah I don't care what you think about me but nobody can't tell my wife about this. Elizabeth, I will never talk to you ever again if you tell my wife about my affair with Lisa Marie Presley

Elizabeth: are you serious Michael!! Are you dumb?! She's gonna find out either way around and she needs to find out... why did you choose to do this... you married a beautiful woman who's the mother of your children and you cheated on her with Elvis daughter... ugh... honey you look terrible

Lisa: fuck you Elizabeth!! At least I don't look like a grinch like you. Michael I'm out of here! Fuck everybody! I'm done.

Lisa leaves neverland

Michael: Elizabeth, you can be mad at me all you want but you can't tell tamari. You can't tell her. Oprah you better not tell her. I'll give you 15 million dollars if you don't tell her. I'll give you the money to keep your mouth shut

Oprah: (sighs) fine I'll keep my mouth shut. I promise.

Elizabeth: what kind of man are you??? And Oprah you're a bitch! A money whore.

Michael's POV
I gave Oprah 15 million dollars to keep her mouth shut after everybody left. I had to give Oprah money because I know how she is. Me and Lisa has been dating ever since me and Tamari broke up. We've been dating for like two months. Nobody doesn't know except Elizabeth and Oprah. I don't know how the media's gonna find out but deep down I don't care. For some reason I don't care. After commercial break was over Oprah still wasn't finished because she still had to talk about me in front of the camera. I didn't have to come out again. Either way I didn't have to do that because I was finished. The media can say what ever they want. I even thought about marrying Lisa. I dated Lisa before around the late eighties, and I don't regret anything That I put tamari through.

Tamari's POV-July 28, 1993
Me and my children were staying at a huge penthouse after we left the penthouse for me to do my performance that day. My performance took place at Argentina Buenos Aires. I was getting ready way before my performance started. I was backstage while My fans were outside chanting my name over and over again. While I was putting on my makeup after I took my shower and brushed my teeth, frank walked up to me to tell me something but it wasn't bad news 🤦‍♀️

Frank: tamari, there's something I need to tell you

Tamari: frank, I'm trying so hard to be ready and prepare for this show. (Puts lipstick on her lips) did my kids do something wrong-

Frank: no, they doing fine, everything's fine, it's just- it's about Michael

Tamari looks at frank

Tamari: what is it frank?... what did he do?

Frank: Michael-

Karen walks in

Karen: hey everyone. T, I got your shoes.

Tamari: thanks Karen. (Puts the shoes on) what were you gonna say about Michael, frank?

Frank: I was going to tell you that Michael already did a live interview with Oprah Winfrey and I think you should watch it after you finish with your performance today.

Michael and Tamari:  The Crazy Love Story of Mrs and Mr JacksonWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt