The Witches Are Coming To Town

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Latoya POV-December 9, 1992
This day I decided to get help for myself. Joanie called me and helped me a lot. A whole lot. I feel a lot better because I recovered a lot. I really thank her for helping me. I forgive everybody that has hurt me in my life including jack and my father Joseph. If god forgives us then we have to forgive each other. I moved on..

December 11, 1992
Joanie POV
I'm at my moms house just tired and been vomiting every mourning. Being pregnant is hard. My moms been helping and talking care of me. My stomach hurts, my back hurts. My dad's at the grocery store getting some food for us. My dad finally finished his dangerous world tour. He's finally back home. I still haven't told mom about me talking to Yasmeen after all what happened because I didn't want to and I'm in pain anyway. Just a reminder I still haven't heard from Wylie while I'm going through a lot of pain right now. He never been like this before... (sighs) what the hell is he doing?!! He's being so fucking irresponsible!! I'm sorry it's just my hormones is really high...

Tamari POV
I don't mind taking care of my children because it's my responsibility to do that, even though I've been trying to reach out to Yasmeen to make sure that she's okay but she hasn't answering my phone calls. My biggest priority are my children. I did do a lot of live performances at awards including the academy awards. I changed my tour dates. I'm suppose to start in January but I changed it to April for next year. I did finish the movie with my sister, Lynn Whitfield, and jasmine guy. But anyway I'm glad that Michaels home but I've been looking out for Joanie after all what happened because she's my daughter. After all what happened I tried not to think of it because it's too much and I don't want to put a lot of stress on my daughter Joanie because she's been through it. I understand Wylie's upset after what happened but for him to disappear without telling my daughter where he's at is beyond horrible. He needs to come back and realize he's going to be a father and be there for his woman and their unborn child. (Sighs) where is he??

Marlon POV-December 15, 1992
I've been drinking and been acting up lately but the reason why I've been drinking is because I want Joanie back... I want her fucking ass right now!! I want to fuck her. I want to bend her down, take her panties off and give her the best moment of her life.... That unicorn looking orange lips can't give her the best Pussy of her life better than me. Right now I'm at a club drinking over and over again. I saw Wylie ass running up towards me trying to fight and threaten me because of what happened.... I have to mention this but I never thought he was this tough...

Marlon: what the fuck is your problem man?!! (Continues to Drink his alcohol continuously)

Wylie: you're the problem.... You are the problem.... What the hell is wrong with you... why did you have to fuck up the best moment of my pregnant-

Marlon: bitch?... huh... that's my bitch because I fucked her first.... You ain't no man, you're a fucking looser and that bitch gonna cheat on you because you almost married a slut...

Wylie punches Marlon in the face and knocks him out with a glass bottle..

Wylie: don't you ever call my woman names ever again in your fucking life!! I will always treat my woman a queen because she's deserves to be treated like a queen, she's the mother of my child... too bad your can't get my woman back anymore because she's taken...

Bartender: y'all too gots to get the fuck up out of here!! Now!! I'm finna call the police on you two young men if y'all don't get the fuck out..

Marlon POV
I didn't leave the club at that moment because I was unconscious. I do remember people screaming and running out of the club fucking ridiculous... cops came buy and arrested both of us. Me and Wylie ass. We were waiting for someone to bail us out for a very long time... nobody still didn't come to get us..... not yet

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