Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame

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March 12th, 2006. The day Tamari Received an Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Award
Tamari's POV
On this day I received and accepted my Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame Award. It was emotional for me because I couldn't believe that I had to wait decades to receive my Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame award. I cried once I did my speech. My kids smiled at me once I was doing my speech. I couldn't believe I was inducted into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame. Ashley's tears were running down her face. Michael was there as well. I remember seeing Michael smiling so hard. I knew he was proud of me. I know He's still proud of me. After I did my speech I took pictures with my children and Michael after the rock and roll hall of fame award ceremony was over. I was holding my rock and roll hall of fame award like a baby because I was in love with it. It was an amazing night.

March 27th, 2006. Tamari on Larry King Live Interview. 3/27/06

Larry King: Tonight an international icon, legend, brilliant songwriter, phenomenal actress, great artist, amazing singer, and entertainer Tamari has joined me to do an live interview with her. She's a strong survivor, and a warrior who has been in show business for almost 50 years. She's an Oscar winner, Emmy winner, Grammy winner, billboard winner, and AMA winner. Please welcome the one and only Tamari. How you're doing today Tamari.

Tamari: I'm doing great. How are you Larry?

Larry: I'm doing well. Man, you still look the same.

Tamari laughs

Tamari: oh Larry. I'm 47 years old going on 48.

Larry: wow that's amazing.

Tamari: yep thank the lord. (Laughs)

Larry: I know that's right. The first thing I want to ask you is how did you survive everything you went through.

Tamari: well... I stayed strong and kept believing In God. I made sure that I'm okay and always think positive.

Larry: yeah you're right I can agree on that. I know it's been 5 years since I haven't interviewed you because we go way back to the early 60's way before you started working In the music business.

Tamari: yeah, I remember.

Larry: can you tell me how your career was like before and how did it changed you.

Tamari: well, it was very rough because I was going through a lot in the beginning of my career but when years went by it was less difficult but I was still going through a lot of things in my personal life. It changed me a lot physically and mentally because a lot of things were happening and I was changing over and over again. It felt like I was in a rollercoaster everyday in my life. But now it's much better than it was before in the past.

Larry: I'm glad to hear that because I remember seeing you on tv going through a lot of things because you spoke about it. How did your world tour go? The one that you just finished.

Tamari: it went great. It went absolutely wonderful.

Larry: that's great. Do you have any plans that you're going to do in the future.

Tamari: yes. Plenty. I'm working on my next album which will be released next year. Then I'm working on a documentary about my life which will be released in January of next year. I'm also working on building a hospital for sick children, and adults. Then after I finish my documentary the next thing I'm going to do is working and doing a biopic about my life.

Larry: oh wow. That's great. Are you still doing acting?

Tamari: yes, that's another thing I'm working on right now as well. I just got done finishing a movie this year and I'm working on another one which will be released next year.

Larry: I can't wait to see the movies.

Tamari: yeah, they're gonna be great. You'll love them. Last but not least I'm working on a journey with God. It's been amazing. I feel closer to God again.

Larry: amen. I heard your twin daughters going to be college students

Tamari: yep. Class of 2007.

Larry: how has it been for you and Michael since the girls are graduating next year.

Tamari: well, it's been an emotional journey for both of us. Especially Michael because he can't believe it. To me it doesn't matter how big my children gets they will always be my babies. (Laughs) they're my babies. I remember the times when my twins were chubby babies Michael use to hold them and would cry as he hold them. It was beautiful. Michael still does it till this day. It's cute. (Giggles)

Larry: aww... I understand Michael. That's adorable.

Tamari: yeah. I miss when my children were very little.

Larry: I know you do. I miss you being small.

Tamari: oh boy..

Larry laughs historically

Larry: I remember interviewing you and your aunt Anna when you was like 4.

Tamari: oh yeah. I remember that. Good times (smiles)

Larry: I was very young. I miss being young. I have aged a lot...

Tamari: aww.. I'm getting older too. But I love being In my forties.

Larry: that's great because I didn't enjoy mines. (Larry and tamari laughs together) oh man.

Tamari's POV
Larry was so hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing at him. It was so nice to be interviewed by him again. Larry is my favorite interviewer. After an hour of being live interviewed i was finished. We both shook our hands and said thank you to each other. It felt like old days. This year I finished a movie called Brother, and I'm working on a movie that's going to be called countless of love. That movie will be releasing next year. I'm doing other things besides movies. It's great to be happy again. I have to do all of these things before God Takes Me home with him. I didn't tell Larry about me having cancer because I didn't want to. The same thing when I was on tour. My children and Michael only knows. God knows too.

To be continued...

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