Damn shame.......

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Tamari POV
After I woke up I was still unconscious and I could hear my daughter Ashley voice crying for help..... she went to my room and grabbed the phone and told Samantha to call the police but Ashley called the police anyway.... Minutes later I wasn't unconscious anymore.... My eyes were clear and I went up to Ashley and told her that I was okay, but she didn't want to believe me that I was okay.....

Ashley: mom your not okay..... your going to the hospital.... Where's Joanie

Tamari: Ashley...... the lady that was on the phone that you heard after you saw me on the floor unconscious that was my doctor and she told me what happened to Joanie

Ashley: oh no mom....

Tamari: (panics) I know what happened.......

Ashley and Tamari hears a door slams

Tamari POV
I ran downstairs calling Joanie name and turned out it was her..... she was bruised up had a black eye.... And she was still bleeding from her pants.....

Tamari: oh god (runs up to Joanie and hugs her)

Joanie: (cries) mom I'm sorry...

Tamari: (cries hysterically)

Joanie: mom.........

Tamari: Joanie why did you sneak out?!!! Why!!! Why!!! (Throws a glass plate at the wall)

Joanie: mom!!! Stop!!! 

Tamari: Joanie!!! Joanie!!!!

Joanie: mom I was pregnant!!!!! I was pregnant and I told Marlon

Tamari: who the fuck is Marlon?!!! Huh!!! Who is he!!!

Joanie: (starts to cry even more) oh god.......

Tamari: why did you leave?!!!! Why you didn't tell me first?!!! You told a fucking boy first then your own mama?!!! What's wrong with you?!!!

Joanie: mom stop yelling at me!!! Okay?!!! He beat me!!! He forced me to have an abortion and I did!!! (Screams)

Tamari: Joanie you went out some night that I didn't even know..... you did this way before this shit happened so that you could see that dumbass boy..... and you fucked!!!!! Him!!! You fuck that goddamn boy and there's something else that you not telling me!!!! That asshole ain't worth the shit of the bottom of my shoes!!!!

Joanie: mom!!   Mom!!!!! (Screams)

Ashley POV
I will never forget that day...... it was horrible and ugly...... I didn't know that Joanie was pregnant but she was sick and throwing up.... I should've knew.... I wish I knew..... Joanie cut her risk badly that when I went downstairs I could see her risk bones..... (breathes heavenly) I will never forget....... (Wipes a tear)

Tamari: Joanie!!!

Joanie: you hate me!!! You hate me!!!

Tamari: no I don't sweetheart!!! I love you and your sisters!!! Don't you ever say that because it's not true!!!! Never true!!!! (Screams) why!!!!!!!!

Michael POV
After I arrived to Tamari house I was waking at her doorstep and I could hear a terrible scream and I broke the door and I could see Tamari holding her daughters while Joanie risk was cut wide open...... (sighs).........man......

Michael: oh my god...... Tamari what's going on?!!

Tamari: take us to the police station Michael!!!

Michael: no I'm taking you and the girls to the hospital!!! Come on!!!

Michael grabs Joanie and Caries Joanie while Ashley and Tamari closes the door behind them and runs up to Michaels car..... Ashley goes in the back seat while Michael puts Joanie in the back seat as well. Michael and Tamari gets in the car and Michael drives off

Michael and Tamari:  The Crazy Love Story of Mrs and Mr JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now