In Labor 🤰. Parenthood

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September 24, 1989 Monday 12:12 am.

Tamari POV
Michael was still holding me when my water broke while I was panicking and screaming. Michael carried me back upstairs to the bathroom tub, Michael turner the water on, the water run for about 10 minutes till the tub filled up completely. After Michael turned the water off Michael carried me and put me inside of the tub filled with Water. I was still in pain because of the contractions that I was feeling was pain In the ass. My daughters was at my house, and my mom I still haven't seen her or heard anything about her. Michael rubbed my back up and down good which  made me feel a lot better. Michael reach down to my vagina to see if he hear anything and he did felt a head. Way before we went upstairs to the bathroom Michael decided to grab his camera and turns it on. Michael also carried the camera with us and put it in front of the tub where I was at. It was on completely..

Michael Jackson POV
I knew my babies was coming right away. I knew it wasn't Tamari because Tamari just gotten her waxed so I knew it was not her at all. Tamari took her drawers off. Tamari asked me that did I feel anything but I lied at first until she felt contractions again and that was when I was honest with her and told her that coming out you have to push. I hold her hand and I was waiting for my babies to come to the world. I knew what time it was because I looked at the clock right behind me in front of my bathroom.

Michael: baby (rubs Tamari hair) I want you to push this out for me

Tamari: Michael (starts to cry) I'm scared

Michael: me too baby. Me too (rubs Tamari tears) how about this After you do 2 strongest pushes I'll reach and touch my babies hair and I will help you push our angels out

Tamari: okay...

Tamari POV
After Michael decided what he was going to do, I decided to do the first push.. when I did the first push that lasted about 9 seconds I screamed bloody murder. The second push I lasted for about 16 seconds, I could feel my baby coming out half completely and so did Michael. Michael decided to touch and gently hold our baby that came out first while our baby wasn't completely out in the tub. The last push was when our first baby went out completely while Michael was still holding our baby and got our baby out the water. Our baby let out a soft cry because usually when babies would come to the world they cry miserable but this baby only had a soft adorable cry. I will never forget the way Michael hold our baby. Michael started to break down crying because he was so happy and turned out it was a girl..

Michael: oh baby!!! It's a girl!! Thank you baby..

Tamari: thank you Michael for making my dreams come true. It's really a girl?!!

Michael: yes baby!! This baby name should be Tania..

Tamari: yes!! I love that name!! Tania!!! Tania Anna Jackson!!!

Michael: beautiful. She's so beautiful.. Our first baby came out at 1:35 am. The umbilical cord is stuck with our other baby.... Tamari I think you should get out and just sit down on the floor because the unbiblical cord is separated

Tamari: okay... another angel I have to push.

Tamari gets out of the tub and sits on the floor while Michael grabs a blue towel and gently rubs Tania off to remove all the white things off of the baby.. Michael covers Tania  with the blue towel and Lays the baby down on the floor

Tamari:(grunts) okay... I'm finna push our second baby that's on the way...

Tamari POV
I wasn't laying up I was sitting up pushing our second baby out of me. I pushed like 3 times but I knew that this baby was going to be a huge one.. Michael touched my private area and said the same thing. The umbilical cord was still connected to Tania stomach. Michael still didn't cut the umbilical cord which I don't blame him. But While I was pushing my second baby out I thought our baby was stuck but our baby wasn't. After I did 4 more pushes our second twin muffin baby was born... and yes Michael did decided to hold our second baby first again and he hold our second baby as well when I was pushing our baby.

Michael: (holds and looks at the baby and smiles) it's a girl!! (Starts to cry) oh man she looks exactly like me.. she came out 2:00 am... our babies are beautiful

Tamari: girl again?!! She's beautiful. Both of our babies are beautiful.. yes they are 🥰. Our Precious little muffins. What do you want to name our second muffin

Michael: Marcia Katherine Jackson..(looks at Tamari) do you like that baby

Tamari: yes I do honey

Michael: I'm so proud of you baby (kisses Tamari)

Tamari: I know you are.. my private part feels like it's ripped apart

Michael: aww I'm sorry baby. I knew you could do it

Tamari: we definitely got to go to the hospital.. tomorrow...

Michael Jackson POV
During that day I cut my camera off and saved the footage and put it into my home videos. we both carried our babies and put them both in a safe protected baby bed that we paid for. It was a comfy big baby bed. It's not like a crib but it's better than a crib bed. We still didn't take the unbiblical cord off until we called the doctors and nurses that came to neverland that same day our babies were born. They checked our babies and we both remember who was Tania and who was Marcia. They checked Tamari as well but to make sure that Tamari was okay and she was. She didn't had to get stitches because Tamari private area didn't look terrible and didn't look like it was ripped apart. I told the doctors my full daughters names and they did not change my babies outfits. They decided to let our babies be covered in the towels that I put them on. Tania weighed about 6 pounds which is not bad to me and Marcia weighed about 8 pounds. The doctors did the feet and height, temperature, feet sizes when they had to did feet printing and printed on both of my babies birth certificate. They did everything and yes my babies did had to get a shot which I felt badly but I knew that it was for their health. The doctors gave us our babies birth certificate. Even if we lost it we still could get another one because it's on their record. After we told them everything about what happened they finally left and that was when me and Tamari went to bed finally and our babies did too.

October 20, 1989 Tuesday mourning 7:55 am

Tamari POV
That day I was breast feeding Marcia, Tania was sleeping. During the day I gotten a phone call and it was Sheila....

Sheila and Tamari on the phone

Sheila: hello Tamari how you doing

Tamari: hey girl I'm doing fine

Sheila: that's great how's the babies doing

Tamari: they doing great

Sheila: that's great where's Michael??

Tamari; oh he's making breakfast

Sheila: oh

Tamari: Sheila, you don't sound right, what's going on tell me

Sheila: okay, do you know the times where mom wouldn't call you or you wouldn't call her??

Tamari: yes

Sheila: the reason why she hasn't called you back is because she's been in the hospital and..............

Tamari: what Sheila? Tell me..

Sheila: she's HIV Positive... she has full blown aids....,.

To be continued.........

Michael and Tamari:  The Crazy Love Story of Mrs and Mr JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now