I Need My Freedom Back

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Tamari: yes sure... come on in Yasmeen..

Yasmeen: your new house is nice..

Tamari: thanks. How's your day been so far

Yasmeen: it's been great.. my life has been great. How's the girls doing

Tamari: they are doing great... they are in their rooms still sleeping. I haven't talked to Yvette since 3 weeks ago. Joanie's doing well. Well not so well..

Yasmeen: oh man... oh yeah I heard about Wylie's passing last year

Tamari: yeah. It's been a year since Wylie passed.. I still can't believe he's gone... he was on his way to stardom and my grandchildren... they contracted leukemia from Wylie after Wylie and Joanie found out about him having leukemia since childhood.. he was such a sweetheart... I miss him and I know Joanie's going through it...

Yasmeen: damn... and I heard about you and Michael's divorce after he married Lisa Marie Presley... Elvis only child...

Tamari laughs

Tamari: well, technically the whole time we weren't divorced because he didn't sign the divorce papers after I signed mines... turned out last week when Michael collapsed and was rushed to the hospital I found out that Michael had two wives which was Lisa and I but he divorced Lisa on that same day. They both signed the divorce papers but not ours... the reason why Michael divorced Lisa was because he was forced to marry Lisa and Lisa was treating Michael very badly... physically, mentally, and emotionally abusive to him. And she lied to Michael about him being the father of her youngest son but the whole time that wasn't Michael's child....

Yasmeen: oh man.. that's crazy... whew..

Tamari: we all went through so much, there's more stuff that happened...

Yasmeen: I know about Ashley having hypotension and I did visit her but you probably didn't see me because I went there to see Ashley very early..

Tamari: yeah I know... Ashley told me... I'm really happy you did come to the hospital to see her.. Michael couldn't even see Ashley because of Lisa.. Lisa threatened Michael if he did visit Ashley...

Yasmeen: that's terrible... I see why Michael divorced Lisa but I still can't believe everything you just told me..

Tamari: yeah, me either..... and I umm... I was pregnant but I lost my son after I gave birth to him. He was so beautiful and so huge...(laughs softly) he died in my arms.. I'm still going through it and haven't recovered since he died.. me and Michael are still married but I thought the whole time we were divorced but we weren't because of Michael not signing the divorce papers and before I found out about Michael collapsed during rehearsing for HBO I Even found my wedding ring... Michaels not living here but he's at his neverland ranch though... that was when I knew something wasn't right at that moment because I wasn't suppose to have the wedding ring number one and number two I remember I threw the wedding ring at Michael when we gotten into a heated argument and I never looked or thought about that wedding ring ever since till now. I still got the wedding ring in here but I haven't put it on though... and when we all went to the hospital to see Michael the girls weren't happy to see him at first which really shocked me because I've never thought they would act like that. I thought they would be so happy to see Michael but Joanie was very happy though. I almost forgot to mention I already went to the hospital to see Michael before the kids did. I went to the hospital to see him on the same day when he collapsed.

Yasmeen: that's tough... damnn... it looks like things still hasn't slowed down still...

Tamari: true... I'm glad you're here because i believe  you came here for a reason.

Michael and Tamari:  The Crazy Love Story of Mrs and Mr JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now