Will It Happen. Full Custody of the Kids.

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Aug 11, 1994. During that night
Tamari's POV
I knew everything what went down because Mrs J called me and told me everything about what happened. I drove to Graceland to beat Michael and Lisa's ass but it was my fault too because I let my daughter go down there all by herself. Either way Yvette was with her but still I should've been there. I'm her mother not Yvette. As soon as I arrived at Graceland I could see Michael and lisa arguing like little dogs. I get out of my car and ran up to Lisa and dragged her by her hair and started to beat the shit out of her. Michael tried to stop the fight but I pushed him away from us and continued on to punch her everywhere on her body. Her face, her ribs, stomach, arms, everywhere. Priscilla came in and asked me why I was beating up her daughter. I told her everything. Me and Priscilla got into it because she believed we all should have talked this through but me I was not gonna do that. It's either I'm gonna beat you up, or put me into jail. Either way around. Priscilla called the police on me after she saw her daughter bruised up, and bleeding everywhere. I didn't care about her calling the police on me. I started screaming out what I went through and why I flipped on her...

Tamari: go ahead call the police on me bitch!! Your bitch ass daughter Lisa put her fucking hands on my daughter!! She'd put her hands on my daughter!! You're gonna regret this!!

Michael roughly grabs tamari by her risk.

Tamari: get your fucking hands off of me Michael!! You'd better not touch me again because I'll knock you the fuck out too Michael!! You don't know how much pain you put me through!! All the pain you put your kids through! You don't know Michael because you don't care about us anymore but them fucking Presley's.

Michael: t-

Tamari: don't t, me Michael! I've heard what you said at the family honors this night... I heard every fucking thing!!! So you believe that bitch will be a better mom to my children than me?! Huh??

Michael sighs

Michael: Barbie-

Tamari: don't call me Barbie either!! I'm so sick of you Michael! I fucking hate you Michael!! I'm not the same anymore ever since our son died... you was not there when I almost lost Ashley. My Ashley. Where were you when we needed you the most Michael??? Where were you?? You failed as a husband and a father.....(breaks down) after all we went through together.... I want full custody of our kids from you...

Michael: are you serious??

Tamari: yes I'm damn serious.... I am. I don't want our kids near you until the old Michael who I remember come back. I'm done with you Michael...

Michael: t-

Tamari: don't t me...

Michael: tamari-

Tamari: I don't want to talk to you Michael

Michael: listen to me!!

Tamari walks away but Michael grabs her as they walk into a different private area

Tamari: Michael get-

Michael holds Tamari but then covers tamari mouth and whisper in tamari's ear

Michael: I've been in trouble. I've been brainstorming by the Presley's. I'm forced to take care of them including Lisa's children. Lisa's new son is not my child... he's Danny's child... not mines. I'm sorry Barbie... I was forced to marry lisa because of Priscilla. She wanted me to marry lisa right away just to get my money and the fact that I'm Michael Jackson. When our son died I couldn't see you or our kids because lisa threatened my life. She told me that she would sent the mafia to kill me if I did see you and our kids when our son died. The same thing with Ashley, I couldn't see her because of Lisa. Everything that I said at the Jackson's family honors I didn't mean that and I was forced to say those terrible things. It was scripted. I was gonna tell Ashley about this till Lisa came up to us and that's how everything went down but I did tried to stop the fight but Lisa scratched me bad. She treats me so bad Barbie. That's why I haven't talked or called you or our kids. I'm sorry honey. I really miss you and our kids. I love you Barbie. I love our kids. I miss holding you and kissing you. I'm really really sorry. When I heard about our sons passing I was very devastated deep down inside of my heart but I was stressed and brainwashed that day when I came in to see you. I wouldn't make none of these things up about what I told you just now. I can't speak up for myself because they're watching over me. I'm trapped but I'm not lying...

Michael and Tamari:  The Crazy Love Story of Mrs and Mr JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now