Crime Drama

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Justice POV
During that day after Tamari told us that she was pregnant Carol had to bring her drama in the house that day. She told us that her and Michaels brother Marlon are getting a divorce because of money..... they couldn't pay their bills and decided to sell their house..... it put me into lots of memories of my life because I was divorce twice because of money problems and I didn't want that to break her Marriage with Marlon..... gave me memories from time to time........ Tamari did tell Carol that she's pregnant but Carol already knew because of Tamari stomach...... Carol was acting weird because she always believed that God gave her a gift that she knows that comes true before it really happens and to be honest she does know things thats going to happen and it does happen..... I found that shit weird but I do believe in God though but I definitely believe that she put vu du on Marlon because Katherine and Latoya use to tell me stories of how they didn't her to be at havenhurts. Only Michael was the one that liked Carol then Janet years later.....Tamari did tried to help pay their bills but Carol evidently refused to take the money while they was struggling....... Who the hell does that??? Dee Dee which is Tito ex wife they didn't get along because of fame and Dee Dee Always thought Tito was cheating on her...... hazel Gordy which is Berry Gordy daughter and Jermaine ex wife they divorce because of Jermaine cheating on her....... Enid whew... Enid didn't play that shit....... Enid is the ex wife of Jackie..... she came from the hood and Jackie wasn't ready... that's all I have to say between..... they divorce too..... it seems like every wife in the Jackson family are getting divorce....... I don't think Randy's married yet but I don't know 🤷‍♀️. But anyway Carol knew something that we didn't know about Tamari that shocked us to the core.... In a great way..... we all before Carol came knew that Michaels the father of Tamari babies but Carol knew something else that we didn't know they Tamari told us.......

Carol looks at Tamari stomach in a way

Tamari: what Carol?!!

Carol. Are you pregnant with twins???

Justice and Sheila gasp happy

Tamari: yes.......

Carol:(gasp) oh my lord!!!!

Sheila and justice jumps for joy

Sheila: girl why you didn't tell us???

Tamari:(giggles) I'm sorry girls..... I forgot to tell y'all

Justice: oh my goodness (laughs) does Michael knows?!!

Tamari: of course....

Sheila: what about mom

Justice: duh Sheila!! Tamari always tells that lady everything before us

Tamari: come on girls...... why would y'all think that way

Carol: yeah justice why do you hate your mom??

Justice: Carol, I've never said I hate her.... It's just that Jayne fucked us up when we was children........ Tamari was on her own at a very young age and that woman gets a prize..... fuck that!!! Aunt Anna who passed away 4 years ago raised Tamari..... not Jayne!!! Carol do you even remember the times when we was little Tamari had to go tours and Jayne never came........ Tamari

Tamari: justice........ I don't want to talk about that okay??

Justice:(slowly sighs) okay Tamari.....(hugs Tamari) just don't forget who raised you..... I understand people Change but the pain doesn't go away...... I'll have to go..... bye Tamari (hugs Tamari and rubs Tamari stomach after)

Tamari:(laughs) bye justice..... be careful

Justice: I will...... bye Sheila..... and Carol call me around 8:00 pm tonight......

Michael and Tamari:  The Crazy Love Story of Mrs and Mr JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now