The Best For Me

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Joanie: yeah sure.. come on in

Mama Wayans enters Joanie's house

Mama Wayans: your house is nice.

Joanie: thanks. I'm glad you came here.

Mama Wayans: me too. How's your family been doing so far.

Joanie: they are doing fine.

Mama Wayans: that's good. How's your kids doing

Joanie: they are doing great. They're upstairs sleeping in their room right now.

Mama Wayans: that's great. I umm.. I'm glad that you let me in your house because i... I've been feeling guilty because of the things that happened in the past and-

Joanie: Mrs Wayans, I understand what you're saying. Im sorry for interrupting you but the things between me you and Marlon I'm over with it but I have been going through a lot though but it has nothing to do with you or your son Marlon. I'm dealing with my own problems and I'm too stressed out to think about Marlon. I understand you don't see your son Marlon as a bad person because he's your son. I understand you didn't want your family to be around my family including myself because of my family history and drama.

Mama Wayans: (sighs) you're right but the reason why I came up here is because I want to say I'm very sorry for the way I have treated you and your family including your mother tamari. Y'all went through so much and I didn't want all of that stuff to be around my family. And I know about my son Shawn cheated on your best friend Yvette.

Joanie: yeah.. but I really didn't pay attention to that situation because Yvette already found true love again and she's over with Shawn but Shawn should have never done that to my best friend. Did he even apologize because when I talked to him he never mentioned about what he has done to my best friend but I didn't want to get into that conversation with him

Mama Wayans: I talked to him today and he did feel guilty for what he done to Yvette when they were together. (Sighs) and as for Marlon he never talked about you ever since him and that Chili Girl from TLC been dating. And another thing I forgot to mention I'm so sorry about your husband's passing. Keenan told me..

Joanie: yeah... it's been very hard for me you know... I really miss him... and my kids...(looks up the ceiling) I'm afraid...

Mama Wayans: about what?

Joanie looks at mama Wayans

Joanie: (sighs) the reason why I've been afraid is because my kids has leukemia.. they contracted that from Wylie... Wylie died from leukemia... ever since he died I've been falling into deep depression because he died on the same day our second child was born. My son's birthday is also Wylie's death anniversary... it's so hard for me to be strong you know... I've been crying over and over about him... because that's how bad I miss him. It's too much for me to handle. I know that me and Marlon didn't get along but I understand. I-

Mama Wayans: no you don't... you don't understand because you were young back then... I know at first I didn't want to see my son Marlon as a bad guy because he's my son.. I didn't want to see him like that... Marlon has been acting up badly and I feel guilty because it took me this long to realize Marlon has been acting up really bad... I'm really sorry for blaming you and your family for my son's problems. Marlon chose to do those things... nobody didn't force him to do those things that he's been doing and what he done. Even my ex husband tried to tell me but I didn't want to hear him. Im sorry for how I've been acting towards you and your family. I remember after what happened between you and Marlon I did asked your mom to bail my son out but your mom refused to do that but to be honest I'm glad she did put my son to jail so he can learn about what he done and how to take responsibility for his actions. Your mom did the right thing and I realized this till This day. And I do know about Marlon ruining you and your late husband's first wedding. Marlon has been acting up and I've been trying so hard to help him but he doesn't want the help that he deserves... him and Shawn are doing a show together.. they're working on it right now but Marlon has been going crazy and acting ridiculous lately... me and his father did not raise him to be like this... yesterday he attacked Chili after he falsely accused that girl of cheating on him but I don't think she has been cheating on him. He even hit her and he's been beating on her. She called the police on him more than 7 times... they've been together and been dating since 93. Now Marlon is telling me he wants to marry Chili but I don't think that's gonna work out. The other girls don't even like him like that.

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