Gotta Make Some Changes For Our Family: Family Trauma

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March 18, 1991-afternoon
Tamari POV
I woke up in a hospital still worrying where Michael and my children at. I couldn't go anywhere for 3 weeks because those 3 weeks I have to stay in the hospital for recovery.... None of my fans know about this but she's gonna find out very soon. I have to take medicines for now on. God told me it's not your time.... I died before this happened so I wasn't really scared of death but I was scared for my children and Michael thinking that it was my time. I didn't see Michael, my children, nobody.... God doesn't make mistakes. I know I can't move because I'm in pain, I can't move, and I have to stay here for weeks..... I need my family .... My babies.... I hope nothing didn't happen.....

Frank POV
This day was a horrible day for everyone.... I gotten a phone call from Michael... he was just crying, screaming his brain out because he told me what happened with Tamari being shot 3 times. Tamari got shot in the chest, thigh, and arm. My heart dropped immediately... once he told me that I completely got up and getting ready to pick him up.
Once I gotten ready I got in my car and drove off. My daughter is with her mother. Minutes later I finally arrived where Michael was at he was in the hospital. He got in my car and told me to go to Ashley school first. He did take the twins with him too. He told me where Ashley school was at and told me the schools where Ashley, Yvette, and Joanie was at. Once I was driving close to Ashley school I started to feel very very negative energy once I was driving through the parking lot.... All of the sudden we saw police, sheriffs, and ambulance all over the place.... The newspapers were everywhere too. Michael freaked out even more... Michael told me to stay in the car and watch the twins while he's gone... once he left he was running inside of the school to find out what happened..... in my mind I said I hope nothing terrible happened to Ashley... oh shit..... God forbid.....

Michael POV
I enter the school and seeing kids concern and crying. But they didn't see me because I was very far from them. That shock me but I didn't care because my mind were on the children.... I turned around seeing a boy just bleeding like hell in his eyes.... I saw a teacher just confronting him and holding him. They both were white. I walked up towards then to ask the teacher what happened.. I wasn't ready to prepared because I almost flipped out on that woman...

Michael: what happened....

Teacher ignores Michael

Michael:(scoffs) what happened lady.....

Teacher: somebody stabbed Tommy in the eye. He told me that he didn't know why would somebody would do this...

Michael: umm.. excuse me teacher, there's got to be a reason why someone would do this... where's Ashley...

Teacher: I have no idea. I did see her today but she's not here...

Tommy mumbles

Tommy: it was her

Teacher: oh my god..

Michael: where's my daughter!!! You did something to her!! She would never hurt nobody for bo reason!! You did something!! Tell me!!

Teacher: first of all calm down okay.... You know that if she did do this she will be kicked out of this school

Michael: does it look like I give a fuck?!! Huh!! She might be missing!! I'm finna go find her because none of y'all teachers ain't nothing but dumbasses..... y'all don't care about children's safety.. y'all care about money more then children and that's sad....

Teacher: I'm finna go get the principle if this is a big situation to you

Michael: it is a big ass situation dumbass!!

Teacher: okay I'm finna go get the principle

Michael: yeah go ahead I'm having a horrible day.... Im in pain right now, y'all don't know what the fuck I'm gonna through right now!!!

Michael and Tamari:  The Crazy Love Story of Mrs and Mr JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now