My One And Only

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Ashley's POV-December 10, 1996.
I woke up early in the mourning not feeling good because of me being on my period. I didn't feel right because I've been having dreams about what Yvette told me but the dream didn't feel right for me. I kept having flashbacks because I became very worried. I jumped in the shower and stayed there for about 35 minutes. After I got out of the shower I had a strange feeling. My mom was downstairs cooking breakfast for all of us. My twin sisters were upstairs already up watching tv. After I put my pajamas on I went downstairs to eat breakfast after I said good mourning to my mom. We both heard a soft knock at my moms front door. Once I saw My mother open her front door it was bumper but bumper eyes were darker than I've ever seen... the moment he looked at Me I walked towards him to touch his face. My mom couldn't say hey because she was numb. I'll never forgot the moment I found out that Yvette passed....

Bumper: she's gone..... Yvette died today....

Ashley heart drops as tamari's voice cracks

Tamari: what??

Bumper: Yvette died today. Our child didn't make it either. She died during birth......

Ashley: no bumper don't- no... no!!! (Breaks down crying historically while tamari holds her) Oh My God!!! (Screams) no, no, no!!!! No!!! (Cries even more)

Tamari cries constantly

Tamari: come here bumper (holds bumper and Ashley at the same time) oh man.... (tears runs down her face constantly as she tries to breath at the same time)

December 17, 1996. Yvette's funeral
Tamari's POV
Everybody including myself were at Yvette's funeral. Yasmeen, Michael, myself, Ashley, Joanie, Bumper, Janet, Jason weaver, my twin daughters, Sheila, justice, and the whole Wayans family were there. It was packed on a rainy cold day. We all wore white because that was Yvette's favorite color. My granddaughter Whitley's funeral was packed up and me and Michael payed for Whitley's funeral. The same thing with my grandson Whitley jr. We both did a tribute to our grandchildren when they passed. Pebbles was there. Pebbles and I did beef during the late 80's but we did speak to each other at Yvette's funeral. My twin daughters does know about Yvette's passing and they were devastated just like we all was. Joanie, Ashley, and bumper couldn't stop crying. Yasmeen couldn't stop crying but she tried to stay strong. Also another thing Yvette's mother came but didn't shed a tear... I wanted to scream at her but I didn't... she didn't wear white, and she did not speak to none of us... she wasn't even invited in the first place. Yvette's coffin was white as snow. I remember viewing her dead body. She was gorgeous but her skin turned purple... I broke down in tears once I saw her... I've known that girl ever since she was 5 years old. Michael was the one who stayed strong for Yvette. Yvette and bumper's unborn child funeral was first before Yvette's funeral. Bumper did his speech last after all of us did ours. Here's what he said.

Bumper takes a deep breath slowly

Bumper: umm... I- I can't believe she's gone... neither one of us were ready for God to take her very soon. We'll always remember her... she may be gone but never forgotten. Before she died she Changed her life and gave her life to God. We were engaged... we miscarried 8 children before we found out Yvette was pregnant this time. We were happy... we loved each other... even though she was very tough. I miss her laugh, her smile, her love, and her kindness. She really didn't have a great life but she did have people who've loved her. We didn't deserve her... and at some point I started to believe that she knew she was going to die very soon but she didn't want to tell me at that moment until when I.... Saw her died but she told a lot of things to me so I could tell the people that she mentioned. She told me to live my life and enjoy my life. She even took the wedding ring off that I gave her when I proposed to her. I remembered before she died right in front of me she told me to tell tamari that she thanked you for being there for her when she didn't have nobody else and she loved you to death. She told me to tell Michael Jackson that she thanked you and she loved you. She told me to tell Sheila that she will always remember her and always love her. She told me to tell Justice that she will always remember you, love you, and will remember your laugh. She told me to tell the twins Marcia and Tania that she will always love them. She told me to tell Joanie and Ashley that she'll always love you both so much no matter what, and she hoped that both of y'all will be close again. She even told me to tell Joanie that Joanie needs to change her ways before it's too late. She told me to tell Yasmeen to live her best life and will always love you Yasmeen. For Marlon she told me to tell you that whatever you're going through get help, and she forgave you and Shawn. As for Ashley she told me to tell you Ashley that she still wants you to never give up on life, and always make your dreams come true. Before she died she knew that Jason weaver will have an amazing great career because she would always say to me damn that boy's got talent..(laughs) And Yvette's mother

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