Tamari Black Pearls World Tour 1990 Part 4

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July 15, 1990
Tamari POV
That day I had a day off. Yesterday I did like 8 shows in total. I did 3 states, and 5 cities..... whew we all had to wake up around 3:45 am and be ready at 6:00 am. My first performance from yesterday happened at Toronto Canada, then San Francisco, Barcelona where Madonna toured at days after hers, and more that I forgot. My whole career I probably went to 45 or more states and cities around the world for all of my past tours that I performed in total...... it's crazy but a blessing..... but anyway this day I woke up around 3 pm afternoon just to get my rest while Michael and the kids was out and having fun. I believe they went to a teddy bear place and other places while I was sleeping. Janet is on her rhythm nation tour. She's kicking butt out there and I'm proud of her for having the control. Now we're at Atlanta living at another penthouse. My back up dancers, singers, guitarists, and drummers was at their penthouse where I paid for. It wasn't expensive so that was the best part. I was upset that Michael and the kids left without me even knowing but maybe they felt like since I've been working so hard lately then they would just let me get my rest. The past days from June to now I believe I went like 20 cities and states including the ones that I did yesterday for my world tour. But anyway my baby  Joanie birthday is tomorrow and I have to give her something, my other children too including Yvette. I sat up on the bed turned my tv on and saw Latoya on television just talking about us and the family .... But she said something that I wasn't expected to hear from her......

Latoya interview

Interviewer: so your family is dysfunctional.

Latoya: yes there are very dysfunctional because we always pretend to smile in front of the camera but when we stop we all looks sad and afraid because of our father who was a very vicious man.

Interviewer: how was your father vicious

Latoya: he was very vicious by him.......(takes a deep breath) he would come to the bed where me and Rebbie use to sleep and would touch Rebbie and sexually abuse her while I was there just listening to the whole thing that was going on....

Audience gasp

Interviewer: oh my god.......

Latoya: yes. That's exactly what Joseph would do to Rebbie and then when my sister couldn't take it no more she left but she asked mother for help my mother refuse to get Joseph help and she couldn't take it anymore.... And that was when he would start sexual abuse me.....

Tamari turns the TV off

Tamari POV
At that point I know that Joseph didn't show up at me and Michaels wedding and sometimes joe could be an asshole but I don't believe that Joseph would never do that to Rebbie or Latoya nobody...... Michael would tell me stories about Joseph but sexual abuse was not one of them. Latoya been talking shit about us but this sexual abuse allegations could fuck us up big Time soon. Joseph does have a secret child that is johvonnie Jackson.... That is the only thing that Latoya told the truth of but Joseph will always deny that... on our wedding day the reason why Joseph didn't come was because of him spending time with his other side of family. I believe that he was upset with me and Michael getting marry but not in a angry way. Frank dileo wasn't upset but he shock when he found out about me and Michael being married but he still showed up at our wedding. Mike would tell me that frank would always tell him that I was his favorite out of all the friends and girlfriends that Michael ever talked to. People still don't know that Michael and I are married and I don't know when or how they are going to find out.... But anyway after minutes of me being in the penthouse all alone finally Michael and the kids enter the penthouse where I was at. My kids and Yvette came upstairs went into my room and hugged me unconditionally but I notice they they bought bags upstairs and each one of them bought me a present..... I loved the presents that they bought me. I wasn't thinking about them leaving without me anymore. Marcia and Tania was still downstairs with Michael so after I gave the girls one big huge hug again all together I went downstairs to check my twin babies they turned out okay. Then Michael walked in and scared the shit out me by grabbing me happily and said surprise honey We're back. I gasp but almost screamed. My twin babies started to laugh their behinds off. We both giggled. I kissed Michael on the forehead and said it's okay I'm not upset because I just saw what our kids bought me..... Michael said oh yeah I forgot to tell you that I bought you something too. What Michael bought me was beautiful to me. What Michael bought me was a beautiful real red Diamond ring, and some beautiful red roses. Here's what the diamond ring and the red roses that Michael bought me looked Like

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