The Snakes At Neverland Part 1

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Latoya POV
Ever since justice helped me I became more healing and more better than I ever was in my life. I accomplished my life, I became more healthier and I have my own peace. I forgave people for me. I know it's hard to forgive people because they hurt you so bad but you have to forgive in order for you to have your peace. Pray for the people that hurt you because they will get hurt one day or around. I talked to my family except for Michael because my mother told me that she hasn't talked to him since last week. I hope Michael is not going through something. I'll pray for him whatever what's hurting him and Tamari. Something happened.

Michael POV-March 18, 1993, 7:55 am
I didn't go to bed after all what went down. I stayed up sitting down on my wife's couch. I didn't move because of everything that happened. I couldn't eat. I had to kick my wife out of her house. I know that sounds dysfunctional but I had to. That wasn't the same Michael that my wife knew. The way I treated my wife was not right at all. I hurt my family, and I hurt my wife. I don't where my family went after that. I just need some space for now on..

Tamari POV-March 18, 1993 9:55 am
My children and I had to sleep in my car. I parked in front of Burger King. We could have went to a penthouse but most of my money are in my bank account and I didn't feel like driving an hour to get my money and drive an hour back. I'm still rich it's just most of money are stacked up in my bank account. We did eat Burger King last night and I do have heat in my car. We were very comfortable and I made sure that my kids were okay. I made sure that all of the doors were locked before I went to sleep last night... I woke up by someone knocking on my window door. I put my window down and the person that knocked on my window door was Janet.

Janet: oh my lord, Tamari why you and your babies are living in your car??

Tamari: hey Janet...

Janet: t, this is not funny.. what did Michael do... I'm gonna get him...

Tamari: Janet, we're gonna be okay, and besides I'm going on tour in April..

Janet: that's too- uh uh... hell no... tamari you and your baby girls can't live like this. Does Joanie and Yvette know about this?..

Tamari: no because I didn't want to tell them. Nobody doesn't know about this...(sighs) Janet's it's-(starts to cry) me and Michael got into a fight last night.... It was very horrible.. it gotten very ugly. It gotten so ugly that He kicked me out of my own house... me and my children had to sleep in my car... I don't know what to do... my children... (wipes her tears) that fucking family is what fucked up our marriage

Janet: who's trying to mess things up for you and Michael...

Tamari: the chandler's family... that family.... That family is not right and I tried to warn Michael about that family. That family has a lot of secrets that people don't know about. When something happens to him he's gonna realize and gonna say my wife was right, I should have listened to her... oh my god....

Janet hugs Tamari

Tamari: Janet, I'm sorry..... I don't know where to go...

Janet: you, and your girls can live at my house until your world tour happens.

Tamari: do you want to? Do you want us to live with you?.

Janet: yes, of course. I don't mind my sister In law and her babies to live with me. But I am gonna cuss Michael out for this

Tamari: no, Janet. No. Don't do that

Janet: Tamari, I have to do this. Michael has no right to kick you out of your own house. The house that you pay the bills and everything. That's your shit not Michaels. Michael runs Neverland, not your house.

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