Apology date

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*JJ's P.O.V*

My girlfriend,  Y/N, wanted a date night. Of course I agreed to it. We had a reservation for 7:30 at her favorite restaurant, at 3 P.M we were at Starbucks and just got our drinks, as we were exiting the store, I received a phone call. It was Penelope, "sorry", I mouthed. "Hello?" I asked, "Mhm.. I'll be there soon." I told her hanging up. "Case?" Y/N asked disappointment spread across her face, "Yeah..." We walk back to the car and I take her home and grab my go bag. "Bye, I love you" I say kissing her forehead, no response. She's clearly pissed off, rightfully so. This isn't the first time I've canceled a date the day of.

*Your P.O.V*

JJ's been on the case for 5 days now, I'm still mad. I understand that her schedule is crazy. But, I just want time alone with her without it being cut short by work.

*JJ's P.O.V*

"Pen, I need your help" I tell Garcia over the phone, "anything" "I need you to take Y/N shopping or something before I get home today" I stated, "Oooohhh.. why?" "I'm planning an apology date at home" "sweet. I gotchu babes" "Thanks Pen" I reply, "Anytime" she hangs up. I order food from Y/F/R (your favorite restaurant), I make the house look fancy and romantic, just as I finish the food arrives, I plate it out, I texted Penelope 10 minutes before the food got here so Y/N arrived 5 or so minutes after the food.

*Your P.O.V*

When I get back home I noticed that JJ's car was in the driveway again. I thank Penelope for the little outing, and unlock the door of the house. Immediately, an aroma hits me.. (Y/F/R) I smile at the beautiful set up of the candle lit dining table. JJ still has on her work clothes, it's the thought that counts. Besides, I was dressed comfy to say the least. I run to JJ hugging her tightly. "I missed you too" she laughs. "What's all of this?" I asked her, "An apology date. I'm sorry for canceling a lot. And I'm paying Reid $50 to do my paperwork so I don't have to go to work tomorrow." "You didn't have to do that-," JJ cuts me off, "I wanted to. You're more important than work, and I just want you to know that." I kiss her passionately, lasted a solid 10 seconds before she broke the kiss. "The food's gonna get cold" she joked, "fine" we eat, and talk about our week, we cuddled for LONG time. "Y/N
Y/L/N, I love you so much." "Jennifer Jareau, I love you the most" I responded kissing her lightly, "No.. I think I love you more.." she said, "You so sure?" I said, starting to tickle her. "Yeah" she replied laughing, "Oh.. you're good." She started tickling me back. A full on tickle war broke out, I won, earning a victory kiss. The next day was great, spending time with my girlfriend, I need to remember to thank Spencer...

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