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@BeautifulMax2001 requested this!

(WARNINGS: This character has a discription *physically* so to my poc you'll have to do a little imagining... *literally same tho "Y/N's sTrAiGhT ReD hAiR  cAsCadEd DoWn HeR bAcK" but yeah! Have fun! And TW for mentions of unal!v!ng and r4p3 *other regular CM stuff*)

Name: Max Sullivan (Derek calls me Sully)

Appearance: medium length dark blonde
hair, blue eyes, 5'6", slim thick, glasses

*Your P.O.V*

Derek and I have been friends since we were kids, we grew up in Chicago together and were next door neighbors. There is a five year age gap but we were still close. My brother and I used to share an apartment... that is until he committed suicide... I was the one who found his body. Derek was there for me, he helped me out the most, even allowing me to move into his apartment. "Derek you don't have to do that" I recalled a previous conversation,
"Y/N, you're my girl, I'd do anything for you!" My friend reminded me. A sudden wave of butterflies rushed over me like a tsunami.

That was 3 years ago... I joined the BAU with Derek, and after 20+ years of friendship, Derek asked me out, "Sully, you're my best friend, and I love you— you know that. But... I love you as more than a friend..." my face was REDDDD (literally can't relate)!!! 😟<— was how I looked, "Y- you don't... you don't- it's not—," Derek was disappointed in my lack of a verbal response and my face. "I- I do fee- it- it's... uGh," I said because of my immoderate stuttering, "I like you too." That was a mouthful wasn't it? It's been two years since then and we were on a REALLY rough case, it involved kids. Cases like these were always bad for all those involved, but this one was ten times worse. It was a married heterosexual couple who were kidnapping children, any age, sex, race(and ethnicity), or religion, and raping them. They held them captive for a month before killing them, taunting the children's parents by leaving messages, it reminded Derek of Carl Buford, you could see it in his demeanor. It was taking a long time to find these people and Derek was beginning to get agitated, "Der? Let's take a break." I said calmly, "How can we take a break when there's children?! They need us!" He was getting kind of loud, Spence, JJ, and two of the police officers were in the room with us, I grabbed Derek's hand and found a more private room. "What are you doing Y/N??" "Derek, we can't help those kids if we don't take a break to recuperate our energy. When was the last time you ate?" I asked him, "I don't know.. maybe 7" (in the morning) "Babe, it's after 5 already, you need food in your system." "But those kids-," "No Derek.! You can't work like this! It's not healthy and I'll be damned if I let you go in the field like that.!" I whisper shouted. Normally when I scold Derek it's playful, but this was 110% serious, he wasn't going to argue. I got him some fabulous McDonalds with the world famous fries, we cuddled on the sofa in the break room as he ate, after he had some food in his system my man was a well oiled machine! Connecting the dots faster than Reid could, "WE GOT IT!!" Derek kissed me excitedly, "Youssef and Brenda Quill are our unsubs! They live in house 7472 on Davey Drive (AGAIN IT'S A FAKE ADRESS  *I HOPE*)!" he added, "Nice work babe!" We moved as fast as we could to the cars, arriving in record time, everything was going swimmingly until Brenda pulled out a gun, shooting two kids before we took her down, she went for the kill shot both times, they were dead before we could even check their pulses.

We were all the way out in San Francisco, we spent a final night in the hotel before we flew home, I was ready to hit the hay, but Derek was out on the balcony, watching the cars pass by, replaying the events from today in his head, his eyes were watering. I walk behind him and hug him from behind, resting my head on his back, "Derek we did everything we could. We didn't know she was going to do that, we still managed to save kids." I know that he obviously cares about the lives that were lost but I know that the main thing on his mind was about the rape. "Let's talk about it over cuddles."




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