B0mb (tw:b0mb!ng)

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*Your P.O.V*
"Hotchner. (Person on the other line talking) , I'll be right there." I heard early in the morning, the sun had barely risen, Aaron began rushing around the room. "Is there a case babe?" I asked, morning voice still prominent, "Yes" he said as he buttoned up his shirt and put on his tie. I got out of bed and adjusted it, *waa waa crying baby noises* we (I) had a baby, Jacklyn, she's 3 weeks old. "Hi mama" I used my "baby talk" voice as I picked her up, "Are you hungry? I think you are" I tickled her, a baby's laugh, the foundation of happiness (and fairies). I began to feed her while Aaron brew himself a cup of coffee, when I was done feeding her (and brushing my teeth bc I'm not nasty), I walked down the stairs to my husband and handed him the baby so he could embrace her baby scent before he leaves. He kissed the baby's forehead and placed her into the bay swing, "Daddy loves you Jackie" "And she loved you too" I responded. "And I love you" he said to me, "I love you" we hugged, it was always bitter-sweet. "I'll be home again soon." He put his forehead on mine, "Please stay safe, my love" I kissed his cheek. "I will honey" he kissed my lips tenderly, and left the house.

I always try to not think about it while he's away but... what if something happens to him? What will I do? What would I tell Jacklyn when she's older? I wouldn't be able to raise her on my own.

The thoughts began to consume me, I was taken from my trance when Jackie started crying again. (More baby noises) "Stinky baby" I said as I took her out the swing to change her diaper. I played with her until it was her nap time, I watched Bluey as she slept. "BLUEY!! This episode of Bluey.." the tv began to fade out as I drifted off to sleep. I got a lot of sleep, and so did the baby until she needed to be fed and changed. Soon enough, it was time for her bath. "Rubber ducky, you're the one. You make bath time lots of fun. Rubber ducky, I'm awfully fond of youuuuu" I sung to her as I rinsed off her body.

(Reverse a couple of hours)
*Aaron's P.O.V*

"We just got another bomb threat" Penelope Garcia announced, "What are we even doing here Hotch? Nothing's happened" Morgan said, "Yeah, for all we know, this could just be some prank" Prentiss agreed. "Or this could be something serious" I countered, I wasn't sure what to believe. On one hand, this could just be random people trying to en ikr fear... on the other hand, this could be an act of terrorism. "Agents, there's been a small explosion at an office building, there were minor injuries." An officer informed us, "We're familiar with these cases, we know that this is just the beginning." Jason Gideon stated rather dramatically. We began to investigate the scene of the bombing when I heard a faint beeping. *beep.....beep.....beep* it gradually increased in speed *Beep.... Beep... beep.. beep beep beep!!!* "EVERYBODY GET DOWN!!" *BOOM*

*Y/N's P.O.V*

I was watching the news, "A small bomb went off in a local office building, FBI agents are investigating right now. Unit Chief Aaron Hotchner, Derek Morgan, and Emily Prentiss are on the comms right now." "EVERYBODY GET DOWN!!" My husband yelled, BOOM I saw an explosion from the high angle of the helicopter with the camera. They turned off the broadcast, I'd have no idea what was happening with them, I tried calling Garcia but the phone lines were down. This was a local case, I didn't want to leave the house with my baby, putting her in danger, what type of mother would I be? *crying baby noises* "It's okay" I said with tears streaming down my face, "It'll be okay" I rocked her back and forth, "It's okay. It'll be okay" I repeated this to her, really to myself, Aaron was always there for me and could make me stop crying in a heartbeat. Without him, my tears just continued liked a waterfall, my intense crying made me super tired, my blinks got longer, I fell asleep on the carpeted floor with Jacklyn. *knocking at door* I woke up and looked through the peephole of the front door, I saw two men with badges, "Hello?" "Hi Mrs.Hotchner?" "This is she" "Your husband is alive. He's in the hospital now" it felt like a weight was lifted off my chest, I started smile crying "Thank you officers"

(You're visiting Aaron in the hospital)

"Hi Honey" "Y/N, Jackie, my two favorite girls! I love you both with all my heart" "We love you most" "Good bye Y/N" Aaron said, "What??"

"Momma, momma! Wake up!" Jacklyn yelled at 7:30 in the morning, it was Aaron's birthday, each year I told Y/N more about who her father was. She was 8 now, it had been 8 years since the bombing, 8 years since Aaron's death.

Did you appreciate this #plottwist I know I did 👀


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