Protecting (TW: mentions of sui.)

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"Derek, I know how to talk to suspect." You said to your boyfriend, "Okay, I'll back off.." jeez you said in your head. You walked into the interrogation room, "Daniel Mosa, would you happen to know anything about these murders?" "No" he looked away, "Look, I'm tired. Can you come back later?" He asked, "Yes I can" that was all you needed. After you walked out of the room Rossi said, "An innocent man wouldn't sleep whilst being accused of murder."

An hour or so later you went back into the room, "Daniel, I know you committed these murders." "No I didn't!" He got defensive, "You see, only a guilty man would sleep when being accused of murder." It was giving very much... Dharman... "I didn't do it!" He slammed his hands onto the table, you had no reaction, "Hmm... I think otherwise" you sounded like Natasha Romanoff. "No!" He lunged at you, you took a step back because his ankles were handcuffed to the legs of the table, "That's not gonna work buddy, nice try though." "I'm gonna kill you!" He exclaimed, "Okay, you do that... have fun in prison" "SCREW YOU!" Derek barged into the room, "That's enough." He told Mosa, the man stared down Derek, and Morgan stared back even harder, Daniel sat and Derek ushered you out of the space. "Y/N, what the hell was that?" Your boyfriend asked, "Me interrogating our suspect." "Y/L/N, that was dangerous. He was agitated and threatened you." Hotch told you, from a professional standpoint. "I did what was necessary to gain info." "He made a death threat.." Morgan said, "I literally tried to do that to myself years ago." You responded, you were referring to a darker time in your past when you were severely depressed and tried to unalive. "Y/N." "It's true though."

*Two weeks later*

"Y/N fits the victims perfectly, she'll be going undercover." Your boss said, you went back to the hotel to change your clothes for this "mission" and Derek decided to start a dispute. "You're not going undercover." "Yes I am." "No, you are not." He stated, "And why is that?" "It's dangerous." "We're FBI agents for god's sake— it's part of the job." You stated angrily.
*20 minutes later*
"DEREK!!" You yelled running towards your boyfriend who was collapsing to the ground after being shot by the unsub... he interfered, he didn't like how close the man had gotten to you. Derek was losing a lot of blood, "Der, keep your eyes open. The paramedics are almost here.. stay awake." "I'm sorry mama" he said before passing out, you began to cry... the ambulance arrived soon, they tried to pry you off of Morgan.. you wouldn't budge. You went with them to the hospital, you felt lost. Everything around you was chaos. The team made you shower to get off all the blood, an hour later an attending walked into the waiting room. "Y/N Y/L/N?" She read from her clipboard, "Yes?" Your eyes were then glued to her, "Derek is out of surgery, he should be waking up soon if you'd like to see him..." you were so happy to know that he was okay but mad because he could've ruined the case. "Derek?" You asked quietly, "Yep" "What were you thinking??" "I wanted to protect you.." he said, "Derek, I can protect myself. If anything, you're the one that needs protecting" you let out a little laugh, "I guess you're right, come here babygirl" you walked to his side and hugged him, "I love you babygirl" "I love you too Der"


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