They're sick

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Since everybody and their mommas are catching colds right now it's only right that I make this.

Aaron: He was about to leave for work, you put your hand on his cheek as you went to kiss him, his face was burning up *BURNIN' UP!! FOR YOU BABY!!*. "Are you feeling okay Hun'?" You asked, placing your hand on his forehead, "I'm just a little warm, I'll be fine" "Let me check your temp" he had a fever, "99 degrees (F)" "It's not even that bad, I can just take a Tylenol and go to work" he bargained with you, "Fine, please take it easy, and come home if you feel bad. Promise me" "I promise" he agreed. Reid said that he looked pale and made Hotch go back home as soon as he got there 😭😭😭.

Derek: He woke up in the middle of the night sweating, *gag sound* he jumped out of bed and hunched over the toilet. *vomiting sounds 😣* "Let it out" you rubbed his back, "I'll bring you medicine and Tea" you told him as he emptied out the contents of his stomach. He was sick for a solid week, the doctors gave him amoxicillin (that nasty pink stuff).

Spencer: He doesn't get sick. Just kidding! He denies TF out of it. "Spencer, you've been coughing everyday for like 3 days, and you're warmer than usual." (That's saying a lot because you have iron deficiency and are literally always cold). Once you get him to admit it, you give him cold & flu medicine, and a cure-all that's been passed through your family generation by generation, he was better by the next day.



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