Alien Invaders

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Author: This one was short too. I never really realized how short the Scooby Movies were.

Author: But again, you know I'm gonna try and put my own little twist to it. The next chapter maybe shorter and then after that, back to the Cannon.

Author: I also have some announcements but I'm gonna do that when we get back on track.

Author: Enjoy guys.

Andy: Dude! Are you serious!??!?!

Andy stared at Thron who rubbed the back of her head, being just a little embarrassed and ashamed of last night and how she didn't explain EVERYTHING to the teen...

Eve and the others arrived just a second later seeing this while Gabriel left out, rubbing his face and groaning...

Daph hugged his back with a high kind of energy but as for Luna...

She had to cling to him since she couldn't walk without her legs being sore.

Harley managed to pull The Hex Girl's car around for them but Ivy had to held her out...

She was sitting on a vine - not even going to acknowledge the fact that her legs hurt as well.

Iz was just holding Dusk in his arms...

Dusk: That... was an awesome night...

Now that he finally came back to his senses, he gritted his teen and growled from what he did with the blonde along with Deirdre and Delia

Babs stared at him...

Every girl that went with them couldn't walk...

Babs: ... Cyborg?

Cyborg: Yea?

Babs: Is it ready?

Cyborg: ... OH! Yea, hehe my bad, I been meaning to give it to you since yesterday.

He gave her a controller with a red button. She pressed it and tossed to the ground as it morphed into a motorcycle.

Eri: Whoa!

Matt: Cooool!

Billy: I WANT ONE!!!

Cyborg: You can fly little dude.

Billy: SO!!!!

Babs looked at Iz again but this time he looked back at her. She glared a little before speeding off back to where they left Punchline to get her and then back to Gotham.

Andy: But... B-But you said -

Thorn: I know! I know! I'm sorry. Ok, listen.

She put a hand on his cheek saying...

Thorn: You're cute - I mean REALLY cute, but... I don't do long distance relationships. Too many what ifs, y'know.

Andy: 💢Ok I get that, but what was the point of making me ya boyfriend.

Thorn: I really mean "boyfriend for the night." Hey c'mon, at least we both got something out of it, right? Plus, I wanted to leave town knowing I did something I never got to do.

Andy: And that is?

Thorn: I've... hehe (blush) up until last night, I've... never been with a black guy.

Imani: We're Dominican!

Thorn: Oh... hehe, that's even hotter.

Andy: You... I... 💢 sigh... just don't do shit like that with other people.

He gestured to Iz, Rex, and Gabriel...

Andy: They might be ok with it - because they're used to getting it. But I'm more of a "If you're gonna try it out, you might as well have it too." kinda guy.

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