Let Your Rage Go... 2

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Author: Ok guys! After this chapter - will be the "Where is he!?" Chapter.

Author: Around that time, I'll probably start being back Warbird for like 4-5 chapters - just to get you guys started...

Author: But that can be before or after I do some chapters of my other stories. I'm letting you guys pick...

Author: I probably won't give STHL a break till that get ready to leave for their Disney/Anime/Sexy/Wholesome Adventure.

Author: I ESPECIALLY wanna get back to Universal Siblings - see this is why I didn't wanna bring it back - I get stuck! Thanks Vonte!

Author: Speaking of him, I'm ready for DBZ:Redo and HBHS:Reboot. I'm excited to get back to a lot of my stories - but I'll start on them after this chapter...

Author: But anyway, let's get back to it, I'm ready. You guys are ready, let's do this!!!!

Author: Just to spoil you guys, I'll probably drop this one and the "Where Is He!?" Chapter, just to get you guys going - so look out for that.

*Wade Opens Door*

Wade: Do I come in yet?

Author: Nah, not yet, the chapter after the next one.

Wade: Oh! Ok! Cool.

Author: And you can dress comfortably.

Wade: I CAN!?!?

Author: Yep, I know you've been wanting to. So go crazy.


David slammed into the ground with a cry of agony before finding Adam Smasher in his face with his arm cannon loaded...

He used his Sandevestain to get out of the way but Adam kicked him back to the ground - around the time that Lucy gave him a double kick to the body that did no damage...

She hooked herself onto his neck to cut it with her Monowire but he drove his head into her face, staggering her...

He threw her to the ground and was about to stomp on her face but Becca slid up his foot and shot him in the face which made him stagger back...

He growled and ran up, ready to step on her but got a foot to the chest by Andy. He tumbled through five trees...

When Smasher got back up, Andy ran his hand through his neck, gripping his Sandevistan...

Adam: !!!!

David: !!!!

Lucy: !!!!

Andy: Oh... you though this was gonna be a long battle? I wasn't playing when I said "Let's get this over with."

Becca then hopped up and sat on his neck, pointing her gun at him...

Becca: Go to Hell you son of a bitch!!!!

And blew his head clean off...

Adam Smasher fell flat to the floor which David and Lucy being dumbfounded. Adam Smasher was the strongest and most powerful in their world...

This battle was over way too quick, and the part that irritated David...

Was that Andy made it look easy, like all of his gang's attempts to kill this man wasn't worth anything...

Screw The Hero Life...Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat