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Author: Alright!!!! Next chapter!!!! Like I said, you guys DO NOT HAVE TO READ THESE CHAPTERS!!!! Because there's gonna be a place that Yagi, Obatala, Sansa, Iris, with Shoto and Momo are gonna go.

SG: It's gonna be exactly four chapters, that's it. Some may be different depending on Author's mood and some will stay cause he's not done with them.

Wade: Each part gets either 1000 - 4000 words also. There will be two for this chapter and two for the next chapter and we'll do it like that for four chapters...

Angie: And you guys are not gonna like it - well, you'll probably like us putting these bitches in their place - but still. That's besides the point.

SG: Now, we would really like to instill that this has NOTHING to do with the Warbird Series.

Wade: Like we said before, now that the OffWorld Event is over with - in a month or two, we will get back to both STHL and Warbird - but for now, we want to focus on our other stories.

Angie: You'll know when the first chapter will come out because we're gonna repost everyone's powers and abilities thus far.

Author: And give you info on everything that's going on - along with filling up some of the plot holes as well. And you guys would be lucky to know that I'm already on the second chapter of The New DxD - and it's gonna be tied to DBZ: Redo.

Author: So if you want that first chapter, let me know.

SG: He'll get started on the new Achnologia story and the Kingdom Hearts/Fairytail story as well.

Wade: Author decided not to do the Xehanort story and do the other one he told you guys.

Wade: But you guys obviously forgot about that.

SG: Author did it on purpose so that you guys can be in the dark about it.

Author: Sorry guys. But anyway, after this, will be HUNTER HEROES!!!! again.

SG: Then Orc of the Forest...

Angie: Then Sons of Krypton, I know you guys have been waiting for that one.

Wade: TIPCAM(This isn't Peach Creek Anymore.) is next after that and we'll rotate it. Starting back to DxD, then DBZ: Redo, Achnologia, The Lost Lights(Fairy Tail x Kingdom Hearts story) and so on.

Author: Welp, that's enough announcements for now, hope you enjoy this. I know I did. And again...

Author/Wade/Angie/SG: YOU DON'T HAE TO READ THIS!!!!

Author: Spoiler Alert: The one that you guys will hate - is gonna be in the second chapter...

At the moment, Obatala and Sansa were walking through the forest with a dirt rode that the Wakandan Prince notice had horse tracks on it...

Sansa: Obatala? Is everything ok?

He furrowed his brow at the horse tracks with a bad feeling. They just got here about an hour ago, separated from everyone else but he wasn't worried...

Nat told them before hand that their transporter had a cooldown system - so they shouldn't be here no more than two weeks.

Till then, they were out of luck...

Sansa looked at the horse tracks too but didn't understand what was the problem with it. They used horses in her world but maybe...

This had to do with Obatala and people LIKE him.

She thought this because she was educated on how things were back in time when it came to minorities and...

People with her skin color...

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