Titans GO!!!!

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Author: If I can, I want to add one more power to Iz's Skillset. You guys can tell me if this is ok or not.

Author: Now before I get into that. Let me say this...

Author: When Iz says "Depower" that ALSO works on MHA Characters.

Author: I felt like I needed to be more specific because they aren't technically BORN with a power. They just get one when they come to a certain age - at least that's what I think.

Author: Alright, so, this other power he has, it's just a smile but very cool one.

Author: Each girl that Iz sleeps with, he ended up giving them power - you guys know this...

Author: BUT!!! He also gains their powers as well - but only for a short time. This can be passed on to his lovers as well. What do you guys think.

Author: Let me know Yay or Nay.

Author: Also... uh...

Author: Hehe, Last Friday was my Birthday. Just thought you guys should know.

Author: If you're ever feeling up to it, you can wish me a Happy Belated BDay if you want.

Author: But anyway onto the chapter. If you guys want to send me a blessing or two - my cashapp is $Keymon123.

Author: Nothing over 5$ though - you guys know how I feel about you putting me before yourself.

Author: My gf just thought that this would be a good thing to do and I'm too proud of a guy to ask like that.

About ten minutes before the fight ensued...

Iz watched the news about what was going on in the streets and was increasingly worried. He telepathically talked to his friends to get away somewhere...

He looked at the portal in the living room, seeing that all the kids got out of there...

Billy: Hoooooooo! Ok!!! That could've been bad.

Matt: You guys ok?

Marie: Y-Yea.

Eri: *cough* *cough*

Iz: Eri?

Eri: Y-Yea, I'm ok.

He sighed in relief before making one for his friends, seeing that they finally got away somewhere safe and unseen...

Andy: Whoa shit!!!!

Ana: HAH!!!!

Rex: Oh my God... I really... need to -

Nubia: Appreciate Iz more.

Rex: SOOOOOOOOO much more!!

Imani: It really do be on sight, doesn't it!?

Iz: Wait hold on!

He looked at them as they looked at him...

Iz: Where's Mirio?

They looked around each other...

Iz: 💢 He STAYED!?!?!? AGAIN!?!?!?!

Eve: Oh crap he's pissed.

Iz: DAMMIT!!!!

He breathed out as they all decided to calm down a little bit. They began watching their fight on the big screen in the Tower but to Iz, something felt...


Imani: Damn!


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