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Wade: Author's decided that he won't be getting back to any story until this part is done.

Angie: It's too fun for him...

SG: The last few chapters have been a little short.

Wade: 8 to 9000 words isn't short.

Author: It's short for me.

Angie: Your ball hung when you said that, didn't they?

Author: Maybe. But yes, it is fun for me and I kinda do wanna focus on it.

Angie: And what about that other thing you had to tell them?

Author: Oh right, guys? I'm sorry, but I'm gonna have to go with Leviathan Axe for Yagi...

Wade: Eh, once you guys think about it, it makes sense.

SG: He wants Yagi to have a weapon that that matches Mjolnir - and in GoW, the axe is just that much the shit.

Angie: Somebody reeeeaaaally wanted those blades though. Yea, we see you.

Author: Sorry BUT as an apology to those who wanted the blades, you can add a power, kink, or mechanic to the axe besides his ice powers...

Author: Bye guys, love you. And I hope you all had a Great Christmas.

Loki stared at the back of the woman, named Angrboda with a sort of wonder...

If she was a Giant, why wasn't she blue?

But then again, he's not either...

The lines on her that glowed up to the bright circle on her head just made him want to look at her more...

He enjoyed it...

She kept this permanent smile on her face as they walked in silence before she said...

Angrboda: So, what do you know about the Giants, our people so far?

Loki: ... What?

She stopped and looked at him...

Angrboda: You see this place where in?

He looked around before back to her...

Angrboda: These are the Ironwoods.

Loki: ... The "Ironwoods"?

She nodded...

Angrboda: This is another place in Jotunheim that no one - not even Thor and Odin know about.

Loki: ?

Why wouldn't Thor or Odin know about it? They've been all over the realms either fighting or keeping the peace...

Loki: I'm sorry, but I think you... may have me confused.

Angrboda: Hm?

She looked at him...

Loki: Ragnorak has already happened. Asgard fell and we have no way of reaching the other realms. I believe that... I may not be the "Loki" you're looking for.

Angrboda: Heheh, I know that already.

Loki: ?

Angrboda: The very energy that comes from you, is unlike any other giant. You're similar but foreign too. I know you're not the Loki I'm looking for...

She gently took his arm...

Angrboda: But you're the one that'll fulfill the Prophecy.

Loki: "Prophecy?"

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