Six... Months...

823 29 138

Author: ALRIGHT GUYS!!!! Let's not waste time, you guys are ready, I'm ready. So let's do this...

Author: 11800 Words... I wasn't gonna spoil you guys like this, but Fuck it.

Author: As far as the Dimension Travel Trip, that'll probably come after like two or three chapters - limit is 6 and that's mainly because everyone needs to get settled in...

Author: For the Dimension Travel Vacation - I'm not about to tell you how many chapter it'll be because, depending on how much I like it, there may be a few...

Author: Especially for Family Guy. I see so much sex and fun in that one - it's crazy. And Adventure Time.

Author: Plus Regular Show. I even thought of some movies that you guys wouldn't expect for me to do and I saw Fanart for them so yea, we might end up doing it...

Author: Again, please remember that the worlds that they go to - even the ones that Izu(Warbird and Friends) have been to are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT from the ones they'll go to.

Author: Had to put that in there again, also I had plot holes in this story too. So, I said that Ana was from Texas and Gabriel was from Chicago in the "He Can't Know" chapter.

Author: What I meant was that Ana is French but moved to Texas and then found herself in Snow Town...

Author: Gabriel is from The Poorest Part of Mexico and made it to Chicago after...

Author: Both were bullied - one because by Ana being cute, girls felt the need to pic at her because boys would try to get with her...

Author: While Gabriel suffered from Brain Spasms thanks to Martian Manhunter, so, he was treated like someone with special needs and humans - being the shitty beings they are, bullied him as well.

Author: But he finally got better when he made it to Snow Town as well...

Author: Marie, Eri, and Matt are now 11(Matt), 10(Eri), and 10(Marie). Just decided to change their ages a little, so don't be alarmed...

Author: But anyway, how about we get started with the Chapter...

Author: I'm ready, and you guys are ready, so, let's get this shit going!!!!

Author: Oh... And for those who forgot, these are the people that were against Mirio, Eri, and Iz's Sacrifice...




•Aoyama - Dead though...



















•Lady Nagant

Screw The Hero Life...Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz