Your First Kill...

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Author: Guys... I'm not suppose to be writing.

Wade: But we're enjoying this WAY too much right now.

Author: Let's keep in mind that this book isn't just about Iz but all of his friends - ok?

Wade: Yea, the book is about him - but since Author's been furthering the book...

Wade: It's about ALL of Iz's friends/associates.

Author: Somebody's gonna get their feelings hurt in this chapter - I'm just sayin'.

Wade: Annnnnnnnd... we have a celebrity showing up in the next. 😈 And you can already guess it's female...

Author: Meaning that said female will start to feel one of the - who am I kidding - y'all know it's gonna be Andy or Iz.

Wade: You just lied to them again - after last chapter - you know it's gonna be Andy.

Author: I know but still had to try. But anyway, let's get right onto the chapter, alright?

Wade: The Dimension Vacation may come earlier than I said it was but let's see what happens - let's GOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

At Andy's new place...

He and Becca just pulled up to his house and got out of the car with Bee parking himself in the very huge garage he made for him...

Becca: Shit, you just went all out on your place, huh?

Andy: Not really, Gaia and the people here felt the need to give me a place like this after they heard what happened. Sigh, I really didn't want the pity party.

Becca: If THIS is how they do pity parties, then shit - where my house at?

Andy: Girl, shut up.

Becca: Heheh...

They made their way in with Becca lookin around, marveling at the interior before she smirked and laid flat on the couch...

Becca: This is waaaaaay better than that damn dorm.

Andy: Man, what? The A/C works, there's no leaky ceiling - or holes in the wall.

Becca: Y'know, I was kinda surprised that you came here and not to where you were originally born.

Andy: I actually did, got in touch with my Uncle Tio.

Becca: "Uncle Tio?"

Andy: Yea.

Becca: Doesn't "Tio" mean "Uncle?" So you guys call him "Uncle, Uncle?"

Andy: Hehe yea, my mama used to teach us to call him that since he didn't like it. But his real name is, Ramon.

Becca: Ok. So, how come you didn't stay with him?

Andy: ...

Andy lowered his eyes which made Becca look at him for his silence...

Andy: I keep in touch with him now... but... he's running his half of the "Family Business" right now.

Becca: ... "Family Business?"

Andy nodded at her...

Becca: ...

Andy: ... Ah, fuck it.

He came to her from the kitchen and sat down. Becca loved how he was being upfront with him as he told her what he meant by "Famiky Business".

This made her lower her eyes at him and sigh as he said...

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