Chapter 39

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Xue Chen didn't understand the interrogation and didn't intervene. Dagang and the others listened to his suggestion and started the trial with the man Lao Li as a breakthrough.

Due to the time-consuming and huge cost of DNA testing in this era, Dagang and the others did not submit the materials for testing, but only used them as evidence for trial. At the beginning, Lao Li refused to admit that he had sexual relations with Yu Fangfang, but Dagang explained to him the forensic technology, and also used both soft and hard methods, telling him that forcibly having sex with women would result in imprisonment.

Lao Li panicked, and quickly argued, "Comrade JC, I didn't force her, she did it voluntarily, and I gave her the money."

Da Gang said with a cold face, "Yu Fangfang is mentally abnormal and does not have civil conduct. Ability. Are you admitting that someone took advantage of Yu Fangfang's mental disorder, took your money, and forced her to have an improper relationship with you?"

Lao Li's head was shaking, "Same, comrade, I also heard others say This happened, so I just went to try it. It was my first time. I'm not the only one in our village, so why arrest me..."

"Be serious! We have evidence of your crime, if we don't arrest you Who? If you are successful in reporting and exposing, we can write you a commutation application at our discretion."

Having said this, Dagang slammed the table heavily, "Are you admitting that you had an improper relationship with Yu Fangfang?!" Lao Li shook, with a mournful

face, "Admit, admit."

"Do you want to report it?


Confessions of male villagers. With these evidences corroborating each other, Tian Shun and Wang Dani have no way to deny it.

However, the couple discussed some things before they were arrested. Tian Shun refused to speak up, and Wang Dani resisted the matter of forcing Yu Fangfang to sell her prostitute by herself.

Wang Dani said, "Comrade, I did everything alone, and it has nothing to do with my family, Tian Shun!"

"Nonsense, you let Yu Fangfang sell sex in your house, is Tian Shun blind or deaf?"

" He really doesn't know, Comrade JC can't wrong people casually. You can go to the village to inquire, I'm the only one who collects money to open the door, my family Tian Shun is innocent, he doesn't know anything!"

Regardless of Dagang and the others Regardless of the trial, Wang Dani has put aside Tian Shun's relationship.

With Wang Dani's protection, Tian Shun was acquitted. Because most of the men in the village participated in this incident, there were a large number of them, and the law enforcement agencies could only fine them. As for Wang Dani, she was sentenced to nine years in prison and fined 1,500 yuan because of the severe crackdown. But Wang Dani has been procrastinating and refusing to pay the fine, so it was changed to twelve years.

During Wang Dani's trial, Tian Shun didn't like to come, and her son Tian Xing even disappeared. I don't know if I haven't received the news, or I don't want to care about Wang Dani at all.

Xiao Liu and the others did their duty and collected the fines of the whole village as quickly as possible. Considering Yu Fangfang's situation, all the money became her living expenses.

For the time being, Wuli Town and the county had no such institutions to accommodate Yu Fangfang, Xue Chen had no choice but to take Yu Fangfang home for Li Chen's sake. He is just a high school student now, and the main reason to bring him home is to trouble his grandparents.

On the minibus back to the county, they went early, and Dagang grabbed a few seats. Yang Zhenzhen sat in a row with Yu Fangfang, fearing that Yu Fangfang would not be able to take it anymore, they gave her some motion sickness medicine in advance, and now she fell asleep on top of Yang Zhenzhen.

Xue Chen lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

Li Chen opened his mouth to discuss with him, "Xiaochen, hire her a nanny when you go back. Those fines can last for a year or two. As for the future, I will try my best to help you earn money."

"Brother Chen, don't get me wrong. I don't mean to blame you. It was my suggestion to take Sister Yu back. I just feel a little guilty. My grandparents have not changed their hands and feet when they are old, and Sister Yu's situation is special. I'm afraid they won't be able to handle it. Please take care of it Let's wait and see."

Yu Fangfang's compensation is only about 1,000 yuan, and if she just eats and drinks, it will definitely be enough for two or three years. But the family is old and crazy, before there is no stable income, Xue Chen doesn't want to spend money recklessly.

Li Chen smiled and said, "You are young, don't worry too much, and be careful not to grow tall. Since I can only hang out with you in the future, I also have a share in supporting the family. I have already figured out a way to make money, so you can do as I do." Ask someone to tell you."

Xue Chen blushed, why did Brother Chen casually expose his faults. He is already one year taller, only 1.65 meters, and he still doesn't know how long he is in this life. But brother Chen said that he wanted to support the family with him, Xue Chen selectively ignored Yu Fangfang's role, and only felt warm in his heart.

Both of Xue Chen's parents died since he was a child, and he was brought up by his grandparents. He has been working hard to learn knowledge and rush to do things, just to reduce the burden on his grandparents. He knew that he had to grow up as soon as possible in order to become the support of his grandparents. But now that brother Chen is here, he knows a lot, works in an orderly manner, and is also confident and strong. Xue Chen didn't think there was anything wrong with relying on brother Chen like this, he never thought that one day Li Chen would leave.

As long as he thinks that only he can see Brother Chen, Xue Chen will feel a kind of secret joy. He likes this kind of state where Brother Chen can't do without him and discusses everything with him. With him by his side, he no longer feels helpless.

Although Li Chen didn't reveal anything, Xue Chen still trusted him, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

Xue Chen brought back a living person without discussing with them, and she was a woman with mental problems. Grandpa Xue and Grandma Xue were taken aback. Xue Chen explained what happened to Yu Fangfang, of course he didn't mention Li Chen, he didn't want to scare his grandparents. After listening to Xue Chen's explanation, the kind-hearted Grandpa Xue and Grandma Xue didn't say anything about sending Yu Fangfang away.

Grandma Xue said, "This child is also pitiful, Xiaochen, just bring her back this time. Don't bring people home anymore. There are many poor people in this world. You can't just take one home when you see one. Let's You have so much ability to do so many things, ah~."

Xue Chen was ashamed, "Understood, grandma."

He handed Yu Fangfang's compensation to grandma, "Grandma, this is sister Yu's living expenses, you can take it. "

Grandma Xue is in charge of the family's financial power. Since Yu Fangfang will live with them in the future, she will be a member of their family. Grandma Xue accepted it without saying anything.

As for the matter of hiring a babysitter, Li Chen asked him to do so before his grandparents refused.

The next day, Xue Chen really went to the market to find someone, with Li Chen beside him as his guide, and finally chose Aunt Zeng who was in her forties. After agreeing on 15 yuan a month, Xue Chen brought Aunt Zeng home to help. Aunt Zeng is also from the old city. She can come in the morning and go back in the evening. It is 15 yuan a month, she is very willing.

Because of Li Chen's teachings, Xue Chen lied to his grandparents, "Hiring a nanny means being a kind uncle, and he also sympathizes with sister Yu very much. He will pay for the hiring."

Grandpa Xue hesitated, "This troubles others Not good."

"It's okay grandpa, that uncle said he is rich and would like to do something good to pray for his family."

Hearing this, Grandpa Xue and Grandma Xue could only acquiesce.

After getting settled in Fangfang, Xue Chen began to return to school again. Li Chen managed to get through until he was on vacation, and couldn't wait to urge him to go out.

In that ghost's memory, more than ten years ago, an authentic Maoshan Taoist appeared. The Taoist wanted to destroy it, but encountered a solar eclipse and was killed by it.

Li Chen took Xue Chen to search for two days before finding the cave. The Taoist was injured and fled to this cave, but was found by the ghost and sucked him dry. Because there is no water in the body, the bones of Taoist priests are black and shiny, just like mummies.

Xue Chen found two books on him, one to exorcise ghosts and control ghosts, and the other to draw and make talismans. I don't know what material these two books are made of. It has been more than ten years, and they feel hard to the touch, with no signs of decay.

Originally, he still had a jade plaque on his body, but Li Chen didn't let Xue Chen touch it. The purpose of taking books is to study, and it is enough to take other people's jade cards. Li Chen didn't care about the karma in this realm, but he didn't want Xue Chen to get involved.

Xue Chen took the Taoist priest's book, dug a tomb and buried him on the spot. Because he didn't know his name, Xue Chen didn't bother to erect a monument. After the burial, Xue Chen knelt down in a proper manner, kowtowed three times to him, and called him 'senior'.

From then on, Xue Chen began to study Taoism in his spare time. Because it was Li Chen's account, he studied it very carefully. Every night, Li Chen first tutored Xue Chen with his homework, and then studied Maoshan Taoism together. Li Chen has been around for two lifetimes, and his knowledge of ancient prose is not bad, so he can just understand the contents of the book. Xue Chen didn't learn the art of driving ghosts and controlling ghosts very well, but he was very talented in making talismans and drawing talismans. He drew two calming talismans for Grandpa Xue and Grandma Xue, and they both said that they slept much better at night.

In order to attract business, Li Chen specially asked Xue Chen to go to the police station, and gave each of them an amulet to the director.

Holding the yellow paper talisman folded into a triangle, the director was dubious, "Comrade Xiao Xue, we are the people's government, and we can't engage in feudal superstition. But since it is your wish, then I will accept it, and I will not make an exception. "

Why don't you engage in feudal superstition? Didn't you beg me to engage in feudal superstition last time? ! Xue Chen complained wildly in his heart, but he said according to Li Chen's training, "Yes, I will definitely pay attention to it in the future. But if this talisman is useful, please help me introduce customers."

Nothing is better than JC introducing business. It was easy to believe that Li Chen came for their identities.

Yang Zhenzhen pulled him back, "Xue Chen, is Yu Fangfang okay at your house? If you are really short of money, we will donate to her, and you stop messing around."

Xue Chen scratched the back of his head, "I really didn't mess around , These talismans are useful, Sister Yang, you trust me."

Da Gang put the talisman into his pocket, patted Xue Chen on the shoulder, "I believe you!"

After that night, Da Gang was very convinced of Xue Chen. Nonsense, I have been hanging out with 'Brother Chen', how can I be a normal person!

Li Xiuwen is very research-oriented. He wanted to take apart the talisman while holding it. Xue Chen stopped him and said, "Don't take it apart, it will be useless if you take it apart."

How and how many times this talisman is stacked is particular. Authentic Maoshan Taoist inheritance, of course, has "anti-theft" means, even if the original path is folded back, it is a piece of waste paper.

Li Xiuwen gave up regretfully after hearing Xue Chen's words.

Now that he came, Xue Chen happened to ask about the progress of the case. When he came back from Wuli Town, the director only said that they had collected evidence and sent it to the higher authorities for testing.

Hearing Xue Chen asked about the business, the director coughed, "The inspection report is here. The wreckage in the woods is indeed a father-son relationship with Tian Shun. We have also collected all the testimony of the witnesses. I asked Xiuwen to write the report, and the arrest warrant has been approved. It's gone."

Xue Chen asked, "What about Li Nian? Li Nian was also killed by them."

"Li Nian's body was sent to be cremated by Tian Xing, and opening the coffin is of little significance. We can only wait for Tian Xing to be arrested for retrial."

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