Nezuko x Reader

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Thanks @HantraxHF for the request!

The meeting seemed pointless at first.  My fellow hashira and I were standing in front of where the trial would take place.  The trial of a demon whether the beast should be allowed to live.  Such a ridiculous notion, especially if the thing had already tasted blood.  No details had been given to me yet, only that the demon and her brother were a peculiar pair.  It didn't matter though. 
As demonslayers we were meant to rid the world of their kind, to protect humanity from being destroyed and eaten.  There should be no exceptions...right?  I wasn't sure why I felt the smallest curl of doubt but I made sure to shut it down when the trial began. 
Now I stood with a frown, staring down at the beat up boy tied up on the ground.  His eyes were wide and panicked as he kept demanding to know where his sister was.  It was a pathetic attempt and yet noble for him to immediately worry for his sister rather than his own situation.  My own curiosity was piqued as well as I also wondered where the demon was being kept. 
That's when I heard the taunting voice of Sanemi nearby.  My head swiveled to stare at the wind hashira who had a cocky smirk with a large box in his hands.  The terror and fury curling off the boy was enough to dampen my mood as well, realizing the demon was inside.  This wasn't an official order from our master and would therefore be frowned upon.  It didn't end there though. 
Sanemi was known to be brash with a quick temper so I wasn't surprised when he started stabbing his sword inside the box, making the boy scream out in hatred.  It was his sister in the box after all and wouldn't any decent brother want to protect his sister?  Demon or not, did anyone deserve this? 
Trying to keep my emotions in check, I enacted deep breathing to calm myself and keep a level head.  Acting against Sanemi would surely bring trouble but when a small helpless sound came from the box, I perked up in growing concern.  This was going to escalate quickly with no good ending. 
I took a step forward, the taunting voice of Sanemi growing a fire in my chest.  It wasn't until our master showed up that I stepped back, retreating from a fight I never started.  He would clearly be able to tell that what was occurring wasn't just or fair in any way.  We all lined up, bowing our heads as Sanemi forced the boy's face onto the ground, making me scowl in disapproval. 
As conversations continued, I tensed up when Sanemi claimed he could prove that the demon would hunger for flesh.  When he sliced his skin open with his sword, allowing his blood to drop into the cuts he had made in the box earlier, I became mortified.  He was baiting the demon to hurt him, to throw off the trial in any way he could.  It was a cheap trick that, despite where anyone stood in this opinion, shouldn't be accepted. 
The demon was helpless inside until Sanemi dragged the box to the shade where she'd be free to escape to kill him if she wished.  This time, I stepped forward angrily.  Not caring whether I had to fight through Sanemi or not, he needed to be put in line whether from me or the demon and I knew my life was not on the line. 
The door to the box was lifted open by Sanemi as I charged onto the small stage and past our master who was silent.  And that was when I saw the demon for the first time.  She stood shakily, growing to her standard height with drool falling around a muzzle of sorts.  Her eyes were wide and angry as she panted.  When Sanemi took a step towards her, most likely to cut off her muzzle so she could fully attack, I stepped in front of him. 
"What kind of justice is this?  You bait her into attacking even though she hasn't harmed anyone and yet you push further and further.  This is no longer a fair trial," I hissed lowly, pointing in accusation at Sanemi.  He looked absolutely insulted that I had stopped him from going any further but he didn't move any closer.  From where I stood, I could feel the stare of the demon focused on my back.  Shockingly, it didn't make me afraid or even shiver. 
Sanemi looked pissed off, sending me a murderous glare but backed off.  I gently turned to address the demon, finding her crouching back into the box with slight fear in her eyes.  The strangest emotion made me smile protectively, carefully closing the door to the box before patting it.  It would seem that my vote had changed and I was joyful when Nezuko was allowed to live.


Now, some time after that fateful day, I stood watching Nezuko as she struggled in Tanjiro's grasp.  Her muzzle seemed to be long broken and she looked bigger, almost the size of her brother who was trying his best to hold her down.  His eyes found mine as he silently pleaded for help. 
After receiving a letter from Tengen that help was requested here, I wasted no time in arriving at the Entertainment District to find much of it ruined and broken.  Apparently there were higher ranking demons here that required another hashira to help so here I was, watching Nezuko in shock as she grappled with her brother. 
I moved forward, seeing almost in slow motion the exact moment Tanjiro's hold loosened enough for her to escape.  She was quick in this form, almost running off before I intercepted.  I dove desperately, my arms wrapping around her waist as we crashed to the ground.  She snarled, attempting to claw me in order to run away but I held strong. 
"Nezuko!  Whatever this is you need to snap out of it!  Calm down," I struggled, holding her tight as she squirmed.  Using all my strength, I managed to trap her arms to her side as I started to rock us back and forth.  She seemed panicked over something and a vague memory of my own mother doing this for me rose up into my consciousness.  My head rested against her shoulder as I whispered into her ear to try to calm her. 
"You can sleep now.  Your brother will put you into your box and you'll all be safe.  You need rest," I whispered.  I felt her shiver, her jerky movements slowing down as something wet hit my arms.  Looking over her shoulder, I spotted tears in her eyes as she cried.  All her energy seemed to drain away as Tanjiro popped up nearby, a familiar box in his hands as he panted in exhaustion. 
"It's going to be alright Nezuko.  Trust me," I nodded to her.  Her eyes seemed to clear as she nodded back, my hand coming up to brush away a tear before she shrank down small enough to be carefully put into her box. 
When the door slid shut, Tanjiro sighed tiredly.  His sister was safe now, Nezuko was safe.  I gave Tanjiro a nod of appreciation for his strength before leaping onto my feet, ready to go fight whoever needed to go down.  Whoever set Nezuko off was going to pay for it as a familiar curl of protectiveness spread through my body.  Tanjiro stood by my side, eager to help me as well.  My eyes glanced at the box on his back before turning forward into the night.

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