Shinobu x Reader

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Thanks @shaquilleoatmeeeal for the request!

How was it that I had managed to become so close to someone who didn't deserve me? I was nothing compared to everything that Shinobu was and no amount of training or experience would ever change that fact. It was clear to me that I was born into the lowest class and barely deserved life let alone to feel the love of someone so perfect in every way. It wasn't fair for me to tie her down like this any longer.

I had been surprised when I had suddenly blurted out one day that I loved her and wanted to be her boyfriend but what had shocked me even more than my sudden confession was when she actually accepted me. Looking back at it now, she must've been doing it out of pity for me. She was so incredibly kind that it wouldn't surprise me if she told me she felt bad for me and only said yes because she didn't want me to feel bad. Because how could the bright sun fall for the sad shadow?

The first week of our relationship had actually been amazing. The thoughts in my head had been quiet for the most part but after the second month passed by, the vicious whispers in my head had turned into a roar. It didn't make sense to me how I became lucky enough to get her attention like this. My head just couldn't fathom what she must've been thinking when she looked at me that day; a pathetic boy who wasn't worthy of anything good in this life.

It wasn't just me beating myself up over it though. After I had gotten into a small feud with Sanemi over something trivial, he had mentioned how much it disgusted him to think about how I had trapped Shinobu into a relationship she clearly didn't want to be part of. His remark had hurt me in a way his physical blows didn't, ringing clear in my head and heart. She could only be with me out of pity, never anything else no matter how much I wanted it.

She could have anyone in this world. She could be with someone strong like Tomioka or beautiful like Mitsuri. Maybe someone mysterious like Obanai or painfully handsome like Tengen. So why the hell was she settling for some awkward loser who would never be anything more than a bumbling fool? It wasn't fair for me to hold her down like this. It made sense that I would go down with my ship but I wasn't going to tie Shinobu to the breaking mast.

So now I looked over my note one last time. The last thing I'd be able to handle was a spelling error in a breakup note. This should free her again so she didn't have to feel bad for me any longer. Maybe I should go ask the Master for an assignment as well so she didn't have to cringe whenever she looked at me around here. This felt like the right thing to do even though it hurt so damn bad.


Shinobu POV

Sorry but I think it would be better if we went our separate ways. I don't want you to feel trapped anymore. Thanks for the pity though, it was nice while it lasted. It was unrealistic of me to think I had a real shot with you so the blame is on me for this one.

~ y/n

I looked at the message in shock, my fingers subconsciously tightening around the paper that I had found in my study. It hurt to read the words, knowing what this meant. I knew y/n had some issues with how he felt about himself but to think he would go as far as breaking up over it was awful. He really didn't think he deserved a relationship and was setting out to punish himself. It didn't make any sense to me how someone as amazing as him could even be capable of thinking in such a way.

Crumpling the note in my hand, I stuffed it into my pocket before setting out to find him and straighten things out. The sun was already setting when I left my estate in search of him. I didn't have to look far though, already knowing where he always went when he was feeling at his lowest. As I headed towards the riverside, I went over all the things he would try to tell me. He would surely try to bring himself lower for the imaginary sake of bringing me higher but I'd be able to shut that down real quick hopefully. I was going to get him back tonight.

"I knew you'd find me. The question is why? Go home Shinobu and stop wasting your time," y/n's voice softly spoke from under the shadow of a tree near the river. I had just taken a step in the direction of his regular hideout when he had clearly spotted me. The somber tone in his voice filled me with sadness. I could only wonder what has happened to him to make him think this way about himself. I thought I could be the one to help him and I still wanted to because being loved by him was like nothing else in this world.

"Just shut up and listen already. We're not breaking up. I don't care what you think, you're worthy of happiness and if I can bring that to you, I will because you bring me happiness as well. I won't let you ruin something else just to punish yourself. You don't deserve all of this pain, y/n," I angrily shouted at him, marching over to him before gripping the front of his shirt to yank him towards me. The dying light of the sun caught on his face, the tears that were running down his face shimmering tragically.

"But—," y/n started to protest before I cut him off, pressing my lips to his. He immediately shut up anything he was about to say as his whole body went rigid in my hold. As I continued to kiss him though, he began to melt. His hands lifted to run through my hair as I slowly crouched down to him, pushing against him lovingly to let him know in every way possible that I loved him and couldn't let him go. Even if he didn't feel he deserved this, I knew deep down that it was me that wasn't worthy of knowing someone so wonderfully sweet and considerate. I'd never tell him that but I hoped he knew it.

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