Sanemi x Reader

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Thanks @KenjiKazuni for the request!

"You killed that thing? For me?" My voice was shaky as I stared wide eyed at the severed head of the demon that had lunged out at me out of nowhere. Sanemi, covered in the monster's blood, didn't even turn to look at his kill. He was only focused on me as his hands cupped my face sweetly. Tears were sliding down my face at the horror of what had occurred but Sanemi seemed unfazed as he wiped them away. It was strange that he didn't seem scared or joyous. He was just calm, almost like the blue sky before a storm.

"I'd kill a million demons for you, y/n," he whispered. My face grew warm but at that age I didn't really understand what it meant. Sanemi has been my best friend since before I could remember. These butterflies were normal. He meant a lot to me of course but I hadn't known at the time that he would eventually become everything. After all, it wouldn't be the last time a demon would target me and Sanemi could only protect me for so long. I could only stick by his side for so long.


That day when I was attacked turned out to be a catalyst for Sanemi's and my futures. He had the strength to help others and I wanted to be able to protect myself and be what Sanemi was to me. I wanted to become a beacon to others, to bring a sense of protection and light. It came to no one's surprise that Sanemi and I ended up in the Final Selection for the demonslayer corps, and got in. What did surprise me personally was becoming a hashira.

Sanemi had beaten me to it, becoming the Wind Hashira after proving his loyalty and strength in a battle that left him with even more scars. I still remember the pride burning in his eyes as he received his new haori, his gaze gluing to mine through the crowd as I smiled widely. Something had started to change between us on that day, like a seed that was buried in soil just waiting to sprout. I had never felt happier then.

Then came my turn. After a particular mission where I had come back broken in more than one way, I was praised for the lives I had saved and consoled for the lives I didn't. My ceremony was hazy and filled with tears, the only thing I vividly remember being the feel of Sanemi's arms around me and the title of Phoenix Hashira.

There was something bittersweet about the immortal bird that would rise from the ashes of its death, especially after witnessing people die in my arms. Sanemi had called it poetic though, claiming it fit me perfectly. From then on, I didn't doubt my title. But who knew that it would come to fit more perfectly than either of us could've predicted.


"Y/n! What the hell?!" Sneering, I cracked my knuckles that had just collided with Sanemi's face. He rubbed where the bruise was already forming with a pissed off frown. It served him right for acting like an asshole. I wasn't about to stand by and watch him stab a defenseless demon for the sake of his own ego. Punching him was the only way to get him to knock it off. "You do realize you're defending a demon?" he growled.

"Fuck off already. She hasn't hurt anybody. If you're trying to be justice, you're failing. You're just hurting a little girl in front of her brother, asshole," I frowned, grasping his arm to make him drop the box he had been holding. Yanking on his wrist, I urged him away from the demon who stood from her box. She was salivating but I could see the way she fought her instincts and I commended her for it. She wasn't just some mindless monster like how Sanemi was treating her.

"They're all monsters, y/n, and deserve to suffer. I'm not going to have one slip away from us because she's small. She won't stay that size forever," he hissed, clearly embarrassed that I had bested him in front of our comrades and the new boy. I shoved him to the ground, lifting my foot to land on his chest firmly. Not enough to cause damage but enough to make him hurt a bit. His hands latched onto my ankle but didn't try to move me off. I glared at him seriously, his body freezing as his eyes widened.

"We're all capable of becoming demons. It could happen to you, to me. I'd like to think that you would at least give me a chance if I was ever turned. I know I would for you," I quietly stated. He seemed to soften up, though the twitch on his lips showed that he despised the mere idea. It was clear from the way his arms went limp and his eyes averted that he was done fighting. Moving my foot off of him and reaching down, I pulled him to his feet to find a single tear at the corner of his eye that he quickly brushed away, making me wonder if I just imagined it.


No. It was the first thought I could create in my spinning head. No. No. No. No. I wasn't even aware I was crying until a gentle night breeze chilled my face, goosebumps rising along my cold body. This couldn't be real. The fact that I was aware of my consciousness but not my heartbeat made me gasp out a sob. There was only one way I could be here and it was the last thing I would ever want. I'd prefer it if I had died.

My hands didn't feel like they were mine as I touched my chest where the gash from the demon had been made. There was a dip in my skin that was moving disturbingly, my eyes glancing to find the wound patching itself up. Gritting my teeth to the point that they nearly broke, I managed to curl onto my side, shivering and trembling. Everything felt numb except for the blazing pain in my chest. With each passing moment, that ended up dulling as well to my dismay and horror.

"Y/n! I swear to god if something happened to you," a painfully familiar voice called out anxiously. My breath hitched in my unmoving chest, my arms wrapping around my body as the steps of Sanemi got closer and closer. There was nowhere I could go now and once Sanemi found me he would surely kill me. At least I would be put out of my misery but the shame still felt strong. Not strong enough to make me hide as Sanemi stopped beside me.

Cringing and trembling, I didn't dare look up at my childhood best friend. I could only imagine the disgust on his face just by hearing him sharply inhale. What I hadn't expected was the way he crumpled to his knees, his arms pulling me to him in a bone crushing embrace. Without a second thought, I held him back. Sobbing against his chest, I felt sick to my stomach with how I had started to salivate.

"Just kill me. Don't let me live like this," I cried out, gripping his haori. He only tightened his hold on me in response as he shivered. It would be better for both of us if he just ended this. In this state, I'd become too unpredictable. My mind briefly thought of Nezuko though who managed to hold back her appetite and I wasn't sure what would happen if I tried to live like that. I already felt light headed just feeling the heat from Sanemi's skin.

"We both know I can't do that. Don't ever ask me to do something like that again. I can keep you hidden away," Sanemi whispered hoarsely as if pleading. He pulled away to cup my face in his scarred hands. The pain in his wide eyes as he looked at me hurt more than the gash along my chest that was now fully closed up. I felt my starvation dissipate instantly, another type of hunger plaguing my mind as I stared at him bleary eyed.

"It's too late, Sanemi. My crow has already left to tell the master. It won't be long until someone finishes me off. If I die, I want it to be by your hand," I choked out, my hands pulling him closer to me by the back of his neck. He willingly pushed against me, practically pulling me onto his lap. It wouldn't take much for him to angle his sword just right to pierce my heart and through my neck. It would be so easy. He seemed far from willing though as he shook his head somberly.

"Shut the fuck up. I've sworn to always protect you and I will. No one will hurt you as long as I'm here, not even yourself. We can work through this," he whispered, pressing his forehead to mine gently. I could only hope he was right.


"If you show proper restraint, I see no reason why you can't continue your work as a hashira." The master's words rang in my ears even after the meeting was concluded. My legs were shaky by the time I exited the counsel room where most hashira meetings were held. This time had been different though and left me doubting whether this could be real. "Like the great phoenix, you are reborn and still have not lost your purpose." The master had been proud of me, despite that I was now in the enemy's vessel. It made me dumbstruck and yet light as air. It gave me a chance to do what I've wanted to but never felt I could. Now I realized how limited my time has been this entire time.

"Y/n. What did he say? Is everything alright?" Looking up from the ground, I spotted Sanemi right by the door. Just the sight of him now after being granted permission to live made my unbeating heart warm. Perhaps it was the way my mouth twitched into a smile that made Sanemi relax before he reached out to me, once again pulling me into his arms like he's done so many times before. And like always, it felt right to be this close to him.

"I'm allowed to live and I want to spend this time with you Sanemi. I'm sorry I didn't say anything sooner and I'll always regret the time I've wasted that we can never get back but I love you," I rambled desperately, looking at him in all seriousness. His eyes widened before a bright smile spread across his face. He didn't waste a moment, pressing a sweet kiss to my lips that made me swoon.

"I said I'd do anything for you because I've always known that I loved you too," he admitted, hugging me close. Warmth spread through my body as if I was alive again and for a moment, in Sanemi's loving embrace, I allowed myself to pretend that I was truly human and that nothing had changed.

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