Rengoku x Reader

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Thanks @BoarFetus for the request!

I was lucky to be in this relationship with Rengoku and I treated our interactions with fragility. Everything I did and said was careful. I was always afraid that Rengoku would realize what a mistake he made when he decided to have a demon as a boyfriend. I was always ready and braced for the inevitable day when he decided that killing me was better than loving me.

Sitting on the couch by the fire, I stayed completely still as if moving would make Rengoku strike at me. Maybe I was being paranoid but I didn't want to ruin this. When I had been turned into a demon, I was so sure that the rest of my existence would be nothing but loneliness and pain until Rengoku had shown me mercy and then eventually love. It was a sinful match to say the least, a brave demonslayer and his cowardly demon boyfriend but I liked it, even if I feared it at the same time.

"You seem tense again, are you alright?" Rengoku's strong voice called to me from where he sat on the floor by the roaring fire. He never minded the heat of it even when his face was tinged pink and he smelled like smoke. My eyes couldn't meet his as I nodded. I didn't want my voice to give away my usual nervousness but that didn't matter as Rengoku kept staring at me.

"Are you lying to me y/n?" His voice was softer this time. It didn't feel deadly or dangerous but it made me feel like I shouldn't make the wrong decision. How was I supposed to tell him though that I was afraid of him turning on me? That I loved him but also a small part of me feared him? That I hated what I was and wouldn't blame him for wanting to end this in the most gruesome way possible? I decided that staying quiet was my safest bet.

Rengoku didn't seem to think so as he let out a quiet sigh and stood before walking closer. I curled into a tighter ball as he sat beside me. I was afraid of touching him by accident. It was amazing that he wasn't even disgusted with sitting down beside me on the same couch. What was more crazy though was the way his hand gently touched my jaw and tilted my face to look at him. There was nothing but gentleness in his fiery gaze, like the warmth of a campfire keeping you alive through the night.

"I can always tell when you're lying to me y/n. You get quiet and your foot shifts from side to side. It happens a lot," he whispered. I felt my face warm and it wasn't because of the fire as a curl of shame wriggled through my chest. I was a liar. Especially to him. It hurt to do it but I was afraid it would hurt more if I didn't. I really didn't want to lose him but what if my actions were actually pushing him away?

"I'm sorry," I whispered, shrinking back from him as my arms wrapped around myself. I actively stopped my foot from moving to throw off the way he read me like a book. I couldn't tell whether I was pleased he could tell so much about me or be afraid that he was memorizing details about me he could use against me later. I settled on a neutral medium as my eyes moved to watch the fire.

"For what? You have nothing to apologize for that I know about," he whispered softly. He reached out, his hand careful on my knee. The contact made me flinch, his hand immediately drawing back to give me space. I felt a bit guilty but I didn't tell him to touch me again. I knew he hadn't meant anything of it other than innocent comfort.

"I'm sorry for lying a lot. For hiding from you even though we're supposed to be...together," I whispered, shaking my head. This tension between us felt fragile, delicate. I couldn't mess this up.

"Y/n...will you answer me honestly?" Rengoku asked quietly, tilting his head to look at me more. My eyes glanced at him as I tried to swallow back my nervousness. I nodded at him, his eyes widening in curiosity as his voice was soft. "Do you like me as a boyfriend? Or do you fear me as a demonslayer?"

My mouth instantly went dry. This was supposed to be an easy question with a simple answer. What kind of boyfriend was I? What kind of demon was I? At this moment, I didn't feel much like either as I frowned.

"If I'm being completely honest Rengoku...a little of both...a lot of both," I whispered out shakily. Inhaling deeply, I decided to look him in his eyes. "I really do like you but I'm also afraid I'm going to disappoint you or bore you and then you'll execute me because you can't have a demon roaming around." The truth felt strange in the air but it was the facts, whether either of us were ready to hear them or not.

Rengoku surprised me by laughing out, the sound soft yet infectious, though I didn't join in as I looked at him in confusion. This didn't seem like a laughing matter to me...unless he was going to kill me now.

"Y/n, I love you and would never do such a thing as hurt you over a mistake. You don't have to worry about messing up. Everyone makes mistakes but nothing you do deserves death. Have faith in me, in us," he whispered to me with a smile. My eyes widened as I felt warm and bubbly. It was hard to think that way but I felt a little better as I took a deep breath. He opened his arms, an invite to be close to him. I decided to take it as I leaned into his warm embrace, allowing myself this moment to love him without fear.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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