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Tossing in bed, I got a weird feeling and woke up.

"Aug?" I gently rocked him. "Babe?"

"Mmm. What?" He rolled over.

"Something doesn't feel right."

"What?" He turned and looked at me.

"I just got a weird feeling."

"Go back to sleep Chrys. It was probably from a dream."

Looking at him, he had fallen back to sleep. Getting out of bed, I went over to the baby monitor. Listening carefully, I heard my son coo. Confused, knowing that he doesn't wake up in the middle of the night anymore, I grabbed my robe and left our room. Facing the room he was in, I saw the glow of the light from below the door. Opening it, the only thing I didn't do was cuss when I saw him up and Aug's mom with him.

"What are you doing?" I took him from her.

"I was bonding with my grandson, what's wrong?"

"It's after three in the morning Ms. Sheila, what do you mean what's wrong? He's supposed to be sleeping. Why would you wake him up?" I held him close to me.

"I didn't mean to. I got up to get some water and on my way back, I decided to check on him."

"If you were just checking on him, he wouldn't have woken up."

"What's going on over here?" My mother then came in.

"You know what, nothing mommy." I scoffed and walked off.

Making my way downstairs, I went out to by the pool and sat. Adjusting him, I positioned him to nurse. Instantly latching on he began drinking while I exhaled.

"I need you to go back to sleep love." I spoke as I gently stroked his hair.

Looking at me with his eyes wide open, he let out a giggle. That was the last thing I needed right now. I worked so hard to get my son on a routine that worked for us, yet still she insisted on interfering with it. Letting go of my nipple, he turned his head and exhaled. Knowing he was finished, I just adjusted my top and him to burp him.

"Everything alright out here?" My mother asked as she came out.

"No. He's wide awake now."

"I'm sure she didn't mean to wake him honey."

"This is the second time she has done this mommy. Even when I've told her countless times about the routine we have, it's like she doesn't care."

"I'm sure she does. She just missed him. It's been what? three months since she's seen him, give her a chance."

"You won't understand so just forget it."

"Chrys?" We then heard Aug's voice. "Babe? What y'all doing." He paused when he saw his son. "He's up? How come?" He came over to us.

"I'll leave y'all." My mom said before she left.

"Babe what's wrong?"

"She woke him up Aug, again."

"My momma?"

"Yes. After seeing the glow of the light in his room, I opened the door to her holding him and he's wide awake and laughing."

"Aight babe, I'll talk to her in the morning. Gimme him and you go back to sleep." He sighed before taking him.

Getting up, I made my way back inside but not to our room. Turning on the kettle, I got two cups and set it with tea bags. Sitting and waiting on the water to boil, I placed my head on the counter. Hearing the click from the kettle, I got it, poured the water in the cups and let the tea bags steep.

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