Chapter 42 | Tiny Complaints

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Inpu's POV

Bryan was running late from work since he had a few things he had to get done.

My doctor had come on time so I had him start with Crystal, who wasn't happy with the fact a stranger was touching her wings.

I wouldn't have had him look at her wings, but he noticed a few spots that were a different color for each wing with her white wing having a dark gray and her black wing having a light gray.

She kept looking at me with a tiny, grumpy face that just told me she didn't like it.

"Well, she's acting fine for a canine hybrid of her age, but the spots on her wings seem like they're injection spots, once I examined it a bit, it is something that induces nightmares but won't harm the body, it should go away in a week or two"

"Bryan likely has the same thing then, is there anything I can give either of them to help with it? Bryan was in tears last night because of how bad it was"

"Small doses of over the counter medication should work, she'll be too small for it, but Bryan should be able to take it just fine to help, but I do want to check with him to see how much he would need"

"Alright, then until he gets home, I get to deal with this one alone"

"If you don't mind me asking, I know any hybrid with wings gain motor functions faster than normal, what is her most recent milestone?"

"She can lift her head on her own, Bryan said she's been close to crawling"

"So she is working on some of the big milestones already"

"Yup, and from what I've heard, she is very antisocial with people she doesn't know"

"How was she at your wedding then? I can only imagine that she just stayed as close as possible so no one saw her"

"Bryan got her used to both of our families before the wedding, so it wasn't that bad, she mostly ignored those she didn't know, but it wasn't much of an issue"

After a bit more talking since the doctor wanted to know how Crystal was developing, Bryan came in and the exam was done quickly since he had a good idea on what it was.

The doctor left soon after, leaving Bryan, Crystal, and I to ourselves for the night.

Crystal had immediately reached for Bryan once we were alone, which made me a bit suspicious since she had never done that before.

"Is someone angry at dad?"

"What did I do, she's never like this"

"You let someone touch her wings, avian and angel hybrids have sensitive wings when they are little since the bones need to fully form, my guess is she didn't like the feeling in her wings from it"

"That would do it, who would have thought she would have an attitude on something like this already"

"I guess I'm watching her tonight"

"Yeah, I guess so, sorry, I didn't want you to be in charge of her after work today"

"Its fine, not the first time I've had to do it and wont be the last"

"I know, but I wanted to give you some time to let the medicine work so you could get a bit of good sleep before dinner"

"Hey, its not an issue, I took care of her alone for the first two months of her life, a few hours is nothing"

We ended up spending a good amount of the afternoon in the living room watching tv while Bryan had Crystal on his chest so she could take a nap.

Eventually, dinner was ready so Bryan handed Crystal to me so I could get her set up while Bryan got changed because he was still in his work clothes.

She was still very clearly upset with me since she started to attempt to wiggle out of my grip.

When Bryan came back, he saw me struggling and quickly took over, silently laughing the entire time.

"How am I meant to apologize to a baby who doesn't know what's good for her?"

"I'd just use a gentle voice and apologize like I would to another person, I think she just likes the calm voice, but it works"

"I'll give her a bit while we finish watching our show, then if she is still upset, I'll apologize to her"

We ended up going back to the living room so we can finish the show we were watching.

Once it finished, I went to grab Crystal so I could put her in her room for bed, but she was still angry at me.

"Jellybean, I didn't mean to hurt you, I just wanted to make sure you're ok"

"Are you going to let dad put you to bed or does papa have to do it?"


As Crystal said that, she started to reach for me so I quickly picked her up.

"Are you still mad at me, jellybean?"

She just started to snuggle up with me a bit and I felt like I was going to freeze because she had never done it to anyone before.

"That's new, I never thought she would be one to snuggle up as a way to accept an apology"

"Am I able to move or will she start crying if I move?"

"She's still awake, so unless you do something the would startle her, you should be fine"

We ended up tucking her in for the night since she was about to fall asleep, then we went to bed ourselves.

It seemed like one of the nights we'd get a full night of sleep, until around three in the morning, Crystal started to cry.

I decided to go check on her since Bryan was still dead asleep because the medicine had started to work, so it was easier for me to do it.

As I entered her room, all I could hear were her scared screams, which just told me that she had a nightmare.

Not knowing what to do, I picked her up and started to rock her in my arms.

"You're going to be ok, jellybean, nothing is going to hurt you as long as I'm here"

She didn't stop fully crying, but she was at least a bit calmer.

"I know, jellybean, if I could do anything to help you, I would do it in a heartbeat"

After a bit, I knew she was calm, but wasn't going to be able to be alone for the rest of the night, so I grabbed the portable crib and set it up in my room for the night before we both went back to sleep.

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