Chapter 48 | Late Night Scare

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Bryan's POV

The day had been fairly slow based on what I had to deal with during the day.

Work had been slow so while we were waiting for anything to come in, everyone at work was just working on designs for each other.

Inpu left when I got on an online call so we could talk about work, so I didn't see him much, but at breakfast he mentioned how today he'd mainly be working on collecting late debts.

It was pretty late, so once I logged off of work, I grabbed Crystal from the play pen and switched her over to her crib so she'd be more comfortable as she slept.

I went to the living room to wait since I hadn't seen Inpu all day, so why not wait for him.

All I was doing was scrolling on different social medias since I had nothing to do, so I just kept doing that until I got a phone call from Magnus.

"Hey, Magnus, what's up?"

"Before I say anything, I need you to promise not to overreact, Inpu can't know I called you yet"

"Alright, I promise I won't overreact, but please tell me what's going on, you're worrying me"

"So we went to the home of someone who owed us a large amount of money, they still refused to pay up, so we pulled our guns since at that point, we had waited long enough"

"And what happened after that?"

"Inpu's gun misfired, since I didn't have mine out yet, they saw it as an opening and shot him in the side, he tried to shoot again, but by then I had my gun out and I shot him"

"Magnus, where are you and what's Inpu's condition"

"We're at the office, they currently have him in the operating room so they could get the bullet out, he told me not to call you before he went in, but I didn't feel comfortable keeping that information from you since I knew you'd wait for him to get home"

"I'm getting Crystal then I'm heading over as fast as I can, do you know how long it'll take until the bullet is out"

"I was told they just started to stitch him up, he'll probably be awake in around 30 minutes"

"Alright, I'll be there as soon as possible"

"See you then"

I quickly went to grab my travel bag since I didn't know if Crystal would wake up randomly while we were there, then I left.

The entire car ride there I had my thoughts racing, I was just worried to the point I couldn't think straight.

About an hour later, I finally got to the office and made my way to the recovery room.

Magnus was waiting for me outside since they didn't want me to just walk in since Inpu still had no idea I was informed.

I was fully informed on how bad it could have been which made me feel a bit better since I was preparing for the worst, then Magnus went in first so they could tell Inpu I had showed up.

"Inpu, you know how you told me not to call Bryan, right?"

"Yeah, his biggest worry is that I'd die on the job, I don't want to worry him much since this wasn't bad compared to other times it has happened"

"While I understand that, I didn't feel comfortable hiding it from your husband, so I informed him while they were taking the bullet out, I have him waiting outside of the door, I'm sending him in regardless, but I wanted to let you know first"

"There is a reason I tell you not to tell him, you know what, fine, just send him in, you've probably already scared him a good amount"

Magnus left the room shortly after and I went in.

The second I walked in, I went from as calm as I could be, to just in shock, I had no idea what to say.

Neither of us spoke for a bit, I just went over to him, placed Crystal down next to him, and gave him a hug.

"I know, honey, I didn't mean to scare you"

"When Magnus called, I was so worried I lost you"

"I'll be fine, its just a minor injury compared to other times it has happened"

"You say that, but this is the first time its happened since I've known you, and I barley saw you today so if it was worse, I wouldn't have had the chance to say bye"

"Oh, honey, I would never let that happen, if my gun hadn't misfired, I would have seen it coming instead of having to check the gun, the second it hit, I realized how I messed up, the first thing that came to mind was you, I didn't even realize Magnus shot him till they went to bring me here"

"The last thing I needed today was hearing you got shot, I'm pretty sure I woke Crystal up when I left, I got lucky she fell back asleep in the car"

"Well, she's still asleep now, so I guess all she needed was knowing both of us are together"

"Ok, be honest with me for a minute, do you prefer me finding out while you're here, or would you want me to wait for you to get home at like two in the morning only for me to notice the bandages and obvious discomfort on your face"

"Thinking about it now, we probably wouldn't have slept because you would have interrogated me until I told you the truth"

"Damn right, you know I would not take your normal small injury excuse if you were showing as much pain as you were now"

"I'm sorry for making you worry, I would have told you as soon as we started to head over here if I thought it would be a lot worse, I just didn't want you to worry too much right now"

"You make it seem like it grazed you, Inpu, it went inside your side pretty close to your heart based on the look"

"Hey, it could have been worse, I know I was actually shot, but had it been even an inch closer to my heart or if it hit my spine, I could have died on the spot if it hit my heart, and I would have been paralyzed if it hit my spine"

"I know it could have been worse, just please don't scare me like this again"

"You have my word, I'm probably gonna stay here for a bit just to make sure I don't start bleeding again, then I'll let you drive me home, I'll have Magnus take my car back since they usually meet me in the garage when we leave on debt days"

"Fine, but I'm not letting you leave the house tomorrow to make sure you really are ok"

"I had that coming, didn't I?"

"I'm not going to risk you getting hurt more because you do something dumb while you're not home"

"Yeah, yeah, I won't blame you for keeping me home for once"

Another hour passed before we finally decided to go home.

Since it was an hour drive home, once we did get home, we put Crystal back in her room for the night, and didn't even make it to our room.

We just ended up snuggling up on the living room couch with the intention of moving to our room after a bit, but we just ended up falling asleep there.

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