Chapter 54

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Tang Ning felt like it was his first time stepping into a wedding ceremony. He sensed being led by Ji Lianyan to a place where vibrant red hues adorned the room – red carpets, red tables, and a sea of red shoes filled Tang Ning's vision, making him a bit uneasy.

Especially when Ji Lianyan released his hand, Tang Ning nervously clutched the wedding gown, feeling a chill down his spine. It seemed as if something cold and piercing was fixated on him from behind.

A rhythmic, gender-blending voice recited, "Bow to the heavens and earth—"

Tang Ning's peripheral vision caught Ji Lianyan bowing beside him. Hastily following suit, Tang Ning bowed, unsure if it was the quick bow or a sudden gust of wind, but his veil lifted slightly, as if someone's breath was brushing against it.

Anxious, Tang Ning reached to pull down the veil. Just as he stood firm, the voice announced again, "Bow to the parents—"

Parents referred to the bride and groom's parents; Tang Ning's own parents were deceased. He realized the bow was meant for Ji Lianyan's parents. Suddenly, he noticed he hadn't seen Ji Lianyan's parents since he arrived in the village, only a person who seemed to be in charge – Uncle Ji.

Lost in chaotic thoughts, Tang Ning hesitated to bow immediately. The ominous feeling on his back intensified. He tightened his scalp and promptly bent over.

Were the people in front Ji Lianyan's parents? Yet, from this angle, only chair legs were visible, no sign of feet.

"Husband and wife bow to each other—" The voice soared, like a swing reaching its highest point.

Turning around, Tang Ning stood facing the owner of the red wedding shoes. Though aware this virtual wedding held no real significance, Tang Ning strangely felt a ceremonial atmosphere. He saw the beautifully intertwined hands in a gesture of salutation and quickly mimicked the gestures, bending down alongside the person in front of him.

He had heard a saying before: during the husband and wife bow, whoever bends lower will be in charge of the money later on. The person in front bent extremely low, low enough for Tang Ning to see the back of their head.

Tang Ning couldn't help but feel that this low posture wasn't about who would handle the finances in the future; it was a way for the other person to ensure he didn't lower his head.

Tang Ning couldn't shake the feeling that this low posture wasn't about future financial matters; it seemed the other person didn't want him to lower his head.

Ji Lianyan truly was a gentle soul.

"Ceremony complete—enter the bridal chamber!" The lively voice announced, followed by a chorus of joyous laughter from all directions, swirling around Tang Ning from left, right, front, back, and even beneath, making him even more dizzy.

Ji Lianyan's hand held onto Tang Ning's, and Tang Ning, bewildered, clutched onto that hand.

Seeing pairs of tiptoed feet approaching him, he heard someone say, "Is this the bridal chamber? Then, we must disturb it!"

"Yeah, haven't seen what the bride looks like!"

"Is her face as white as snow and lips as red as blood?"

"So fragrant, the bride smells amazing!"

Those voices, talking almost intimately, seemed about to come close, as if trying to get a whiff.

Tightening his grip on Ji Lianyan's hand, Tang Ning watched the feet that were gradually closing in. Terrified, he leaned against Ji Lianyan.

Ji Lianyan wrapped his arm around Tang Ning's waist, his voice cold, "What's the fuss about the bridal chamber?"

I am a Flower Vase in an Infinite World / I Am a Useless flower in an infinite Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu