eighty one.

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I sit opposite Luke on the sofa, cross legged, playing with a stray thread on one of Harry's cushions. A pile of crumpled tissues scattered in front of me. I sniffle, placing the tea on the coffee table and looking at the guy next to me. He's biting his lip ring, tugging the metal between his teeth and letting go of it repeatedly as he waits for me to compose myself.

"Come on, call him" He nudges my phone towards me with his socked foot, long legs stretched out, in a pair of ripped black jeans so faded they may as well be grey.

Having explained to Luke what happened 5 hours later when he finally arrived from Manchester he's watched me sob whilst slowly working his way through Harry's fridge and insisting that I have to tell him what's happened. I know Harry landed because he text asking if everything is okay.

I take a deep breath.

"We aren't collecting take out until you do it" He offers, I manage a wry smile, picking up my phone and drying my sore cheeks with my hands as I look for Harry's FaceTime.

He answers near enough on the first ring. He's smiling, his hair still in the same wispy bun but the strands are looser and he's wearing an unbuttoned shirt with aviators. The hotel room looks sunny - what can I expect for LA.

"Hey, how was the flight?" I manage, I see him frown and feel guilty all of a sudden for wiping the gorgeous dimpled smile from his face.

"What's wrong, have you been crying?" He demands. I look over to Luke.

"Who are you with?" He asks, I bite my lip.

"Luke.." I say.

"Hi Harry!" Luke says, sticking his hand in front of the camera. Harry frowns staring at me. 

"Don't get mad, I can't stay on my own" I say, he doesn't answer back, instead he's gnawing on his lip. 

"What's wrong?" He says again. 

"Edward came this morning and he pinned me down on the bed and threatened me, he only left because Klaudia arrived and I don't know what he was going to do or how he got in even so I've asked Luke to stay because I'm terrified of being on my own" I gush, wiping my eyes furiously. I look at him, the colour has drained from his face a little. 

"Don't be mad at me.." Is all I say. 

"At you? Flora, who do you think I'm fucking mad at, come on" He says, his voice controlled but dangerous. I stay silent, sniffling slightly. 

"I swear to god, I'll kill him myself" He says, rubbing a hand across his face. I stare down into my lap, still trying not to cry. He sounds so angry I wouldn't put it past him and his temper. 

"I'll sort it out, don't cry, no-one is leaving you alone" He says, sounding ever so slightly calmer. But I can see him thinking, his brow furrowed, he's planning something. 

"Luke?" Harry says, I look up in surprise. 

"Yeah?" He says inquisitively pulling a face at me. I turn the camera to Luke. 

"Don't let her out of your god damn sight" Harry says bluntly. 

"Yes boss" Luke smirks. 

"I've got a meeting.." He whines as I turn the camera back to me, inwardly grossed out at my disgusting blotchy face. 

"It's okay, you look tired though" I say, wishing that he was here now so I could cuddle into him and fall asleep, being with Harry at least makes me feel safe from his half crazed twin who is in the same city as I am currently. 

"I'll be fine, don't stress, it's bad for your blood pressure, leave Edward to me.." He says, the vein in his forehead showing ever so slightly, his jaw line standing out where his teeth are gritted. 

"Okay.." Is all I manage. 

"I'll text you before bed baby" He says, before ringing off. I look at Luke. 

"Sounds like a man with a plan" He says casually. 

"I hope so.." I mumble, licking my dry lips. 

"Well take it from a guy who's been in his way when he's angry" Luke chuckles, I smile weakly, not sure what to say. A little scared of what Harry's planning on doing. 

"Come on, cheer up" Luke says, wrapping his long arms around my shoulders in a reassuring hug. I breathe a sigh, getting up with a stretch.

"Can we get some dinner" I say with a pout. He nods ushering me from the room and into the kitchen. 

"Fucking nice place he's got here, no wonder Edward keeps turning up" Luke runs his hands over the polished marble work top. 

"Not funny" I mumble, although I can't help but smile. 

"Alright, sorry" Luke says, looking through the car keys hanging on the wall by the toaster. 

"Oh my god, he's got Ferarri?" Luke says. Picking up the black key with the telltale horse embellished on it. 

"Oh.. yeah, he doesn't get it out much" I say, watching Luke's face light up. 

"How hungry are you.. wouldn't take us long in a Ferrari" Luke chuckles. 

"No way... nope" I say attempting to swipe the key from him but he holds it above his head. 

"Luke! No" I whine, watching him grin outwardly. 

"He hates you enough already!" I protest. 

"He'll never know!" Luke answers back, pocketing the key and going through the door to the garage, chucking me my leather jacket off the kitchen chair on his way. 

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