one hundered and four.

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It's been a long night, at 6am I'm wide awake, long after Harry crashed out in an alcohol induced sleep. I've dozed on and off, cold and uncomfortable, unable to stop thinking about what Edward said to me. Wanting to know what he meant.

I manage to drift off again, tucking myself up to Harry, as close as possible where he's unresponsively sprawled out. Feeling his chest rise and fall softly as he sleeps, my head tucked into the crook of his arm.

 It's 8am when I wake up again, my eyes stinging from lack of sleep, Harry is on his phone, having just woken up too, face still sleepy, hair pushed off of his face with a hand. I close my eyes again with groan burying my face further into his side. 

"Morning, happy new year" He croaks, stroking my head gently. 

"Happy New Year" I mumble into his skin. I lie next to him for ten minutes or more, my mind preventing me from drifting off. I sit up, looking at him. 

"You look exhausted" He says reaching out for me to cuddle closer to him. 

"I slept badly" I say, looking at him, his face goes soft, searching my eyes for any hint of discomfort, gaze flicking to my lips and back to my eyes again, palm resting softly on my stomach.

"Can't get back to sleep?" He asks. I shrug my shoulders uselessly. 

"I'm gonna go downstairs, grab a coffee, do you want one?" He asks, getting up and stretching his long legs. 

"Yes please" I smile as he leaves the room, pulling on a hoodie as he goes. Less than a minute later there's a knock at the door and Niall walks straight in. 

"There's a point to knocking you know, we could have been having sex" I say, he shrugs, coming in and flopping down on the bed with a groan. 

"How's the hangover?" I ask, his legs hanging off the edge, blonde head down. 

"Brutal" He mumbles. 

"Whose fault is that" I say sarkily. 

"God you are sassy today" He says, sitting up a little, sorry frown on his face. 

"Hormones" I say, checking my phone. 

Harry returns a few minutes later, two mugs held in one hand. 

"Three in the bed?" He asks, giving Niall a bemused look where he's sprawled across the end of our bed. 

"Seems so" I say, moving over to make room for him before cuddling back upto him. He doesn't say much, gripping his mug tightly. 

"What's wrong..." I ask, nervously. Niall looks up too. 

"Eddie is home, he's downstairs.." Harry says, jaw set like it could cut glass as his teeth are gritted together. I panic a little.

"He got back last night.." I say, unable to pretend I dont know. Harry looks at me, nostrils flaring slightly. 

"He didnt do anything to you?" Harry says, his voice a low mumble. I shake my head earnestly.. he didnt DO anything, but what he said can wait, I dont exactly want to spill with Niall here. 

"I don't want you near him today..." He says, kissing my hair affectionately. 

"Trust me I'm not" I say, eager to get back and ask Amber's advice on telling Harry. I'd text her but Harry could easily look over my shoulder. 

"Come on Niall, shift, we want alone time" Harry says, nudging the sleepy guy at the end of the bed with his foot. 

"What for? Its not like you're havin sex anymore look how pregnant she is!" Niall gestures at me with a whine. Harry raises his eyebrows at me with a smirk. 

"You'd be surprised, now piss off" Harry points to the door. 

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