one hundered and fourteen.

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I sink down onto the floor, without considering where I'm shifting my weight or how carefully I'm doing it. Screaming or shouting would do nothing. I can't do anything apart from cry hysterically, staring at the cream coloured wall and wiping my eyes until they go blurry again and over and over until I'm not sure what time it is. I get up to look out of the window which is locked fast... and even if I could get out I know there wont be any other houses for miles around. I tug at the opening in a last frustrated attempt but it doesn't budge, I cant see anything either in the pitch black. 

One of the babies kicks me in an attempt to move, making me place my hand to my tender ribs. 

"Please stay put for now, please please" I whisper, running my fingers over the t-shirt. I sit down on the bed, pulling the soft cotton neckline upto my nose and inhaling the scent of washing powder mixed with lingering notes of Harry's cologne. I curl up on the bed, managing to finally take some deep breaths, wishing I had some water. 


I assume she may have fallen asleep, something she's taken to doing at any time of the day in the last few weeks. I text to say I was on my way and called multiple times to ask what she wanted from the indian to no reply, but as soon as I find her curled up and content on the sofa keeping the twins safe and warm I suppose it won't matter. 

"Hello" I call quietly as I enter the doorway, going into the kitchen and placing down the bag of takeaway. I assume she'll be in the living room, but the couch is empty, I frown.. what if she had to go to the hospital and didn't have time to tell me. Her phone is still on the coffee table and the TV still on. She must just have gone to bed, I take the stairs two at a time, expecting to find her in bed, under a blanket or having just gotten out of the bath.  Instead I find the bed made as it was when I left this afternoon, baby bag ready for the hospital still sits by the chair. Atleast I know she isn't in labour. I knock and open the bathroom door and as I suspect it's empty. 

I head into the nursery, she must be there, folding tiny white blankets or rearranging things a little. It's as empty as the rest of the house.

I start to feel a little odd as I go back downstairs, her house keys are on the side and her car keys with the two tiny bear key rings aren't touched either.. meaning her car must be in the garage. 

"FLORA" I yell.. hoping if she's anywhere in the house she'll hear me. 

"FLO" I call again, my voice cracking a little. I walk through the kitchen, my boots echoing on the floor as I go through to the utility room. That will be where she is, doing washing, nesting, even though she ought to be off her feet really. Still no Flora. 

I shake my head in confusion, none of her jackets are gone from the closet. 

I suppose I'll call her mum, maybe she caught a taxi round there because she's obviously too pregnant to drive, Amber was with me all day.. as was Niall. She's in no position to be making plans with old friends or travelling too far. 

I dial her home number quickly, her mum answers on the first ring. 

"Oh my gosh, Harry! Is it happening?!" She asks, excitement filling her voice. 

"Hi.. no, um I was actually wondering if Flo was with you, I had to go to the office and I've just got home and well I'm not sure where she's gone, her keys are still here and her coats and I'm just sort of worried about her..." I say trying to sound calm but I'm on the edge of freaking out. 

"Ah.. don't worry Harry, you know Flora, she's probably just popped out for a walk or something and forgotten her keys and underestimated the weather and just worn a jumper, let me know when she comes home and tell her to behave herself from me" Her mum chides. 

"Sure, thankyou, I'll keep you updated" I say hanging up. Maybe she has just gone for a walk.. I wait impatiently for another half an hour, tidying the house a little as I know Flora can't stand the mess while she's nesting. I'm not prepared for a call from Molly to come through, I almost ignore it.. 

"What?" I answer. 

"Harry... Harry it's Molly" She says, she sounds flustered and out of breath. 

"I know.. what is it?" I ask, scuffing my toe against the kitchen tiles, desperate for the click of Flora at the front door. 

"When I went to get Finn from school today they said that his dad picked him up... The thing is I told Edward last week that I knew what you told me and that I wasnt okay with him seeing Finley anymore! I think that maybe Edward has him Harry and I don't know what to do! I've just been to Edward's house and he isn't there... I don't know what to do!" She says, bursting into tears. I almost drop my coffee on the floor. 

"Molly.." I mumble. There's a long pause as I try and collect myself. 

"Yeah? Harry.. what do I do!" She says. 

"I just got back from work and Flora's gone too..." 

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