one hundered and two

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The dog pushes his nose further into my leg as several fireworks somewhere outside reiterate those on the TV, I pet his head softly as he gives a whine. 

"Jesus Archie will you shush" Gemma scolds the Labrador from where her and Douglas are sitting, having too chosen to spend the new year in together. I give the silky dog another sympathetic pat as he paws at my leg.

"Well happy new year guys" She says, holding her wine glass to Douglas' bottle of beer, I hold out my cup of tea with a giggle.

"Happy New Year" I confirm with a nod and a smile as whichever BBC host continues the new year coverage back in London. 

"We're gonna have a mad one next year Dougie, and you Flora, make sure my brother doesn't get you knocked up again, even mum and dad decided to go out" She says patting her fiancee's arm lovingly.  I reach over to take my phone from the coffee table, various messages from friends and family which I promptly reply to, I smile at Amber's illegible typing - she's spending her New Year in London with family. 


I roll my eyes, typing a quick and equally loving reply. 

The dog sits up suddenly, despite the bang of fireworks having faded minutes ago, his ears wiggling a little as he sniffs the air before jumping up and scuffling excitedly into the hallway. 

"Where is that dog going now" Gemma says exasperatedly, as a loud bark can be heard and more scuffling of claws on the marble tiles as the door slams. She gets up with a sigh and muffled voices can be heard coming closer to the door to the lounge, the dog comes back in first. 

"Guys Edward's home!" She says, appearing round the doorway with a grin, sure enough her much taller messy haired brother follows. 

"Hey man how are you doing?" Douglas stands up to greet him. 

"I'm good thanks buddy" He says as the two men embrace. 

"Flora, come here and a give us a hug, how are the twins?" He says, all smiles, so much so it throws me off. Reluctantly raising from my seat as all eyes are on me, including the dogs. Edward wraps me in a little too tight hug, which must only look friendly to Gemma who is clueless, but it has my stomach in knots. 

My heart is thudding over his mere presence, I guess I knew he was going to come home at some point. 

"Jesus where have you been?" Gemma asks. 

"Spent Christmas with some friends in France, sorry I couldn't get a message through to mum I was abroad" He shrugs, reaching down to pet the dog. 

"You look pale Flora, are you feeling alright?" He looks up at me. I gulp mouth going dry, being around him when Harry's here too makes me feel a hell of a lot more safe. 

"Yeah.. I'm fine, honestly" I manage to say, he smirks softly, standing up and taking the bottle of beer that Douglas hands him, sitting on the same sofa as me. Arm sitting casually across the back. I'm torn between going to bed and getting out of the situation or sticking it out somewhere Gemma and Douglas' presence can warrant anything he does or says. 

I decide to stay a little longer, keeping quiet during conversation, I notice Edward's eyes on me every so often as I stare at the TV mindlessly, fiddling with my phone in my hands. The conversation mills on for over an hour, where I find myself becoming sleepy, refusing to leave the room alone but unable to join in fully. 

Before I realises it Gemma is tapping me awake by the shoulder. 

"Hey it's like 2am, we're going up to bed and I don't want you to get cold" She says, the lights are mainly turned off, fire dying. I look at her blarily for a few seconds, running a hand through my hair. 

"Oh.. thankyou, yeah I should get to bed" I nod sleepily, no sign of Edward, Douglas waits for Gemma by the door, I get up too and follow them up the large stair case. 


There's nothing worse than going from a warm room full of people to a cold and empty bed, I flick Harry's bedside lamp on in an attempt to settle myself, the wind and rain be heard against the window, beating and whooshing softly. I haven't heard from Harry again after the New Year's text, I could call him and ask him to come home but it would probably ruin his night. 

Instead I attempt to snuggle further, tucking the duvet up under me as I switch the lamp off and blacken the room completely. I've never been one to get scared easily, but Harry's family home is old and creaky and tonight has made me entirely uneasy. I lie awake a little longer.. the drowsiness from downstairs having worn off,  one of the twins wriggles, possibly having just woken up. I slide a hand down to my stomach to rub softly at the place of movement. I stiffen as the floorboards outside the bedroom creak. 

My breathing stops too as the door opens and light floods in. I pretend to be asleep but it's too late. 

"Flora?" Edward says quietly. 

"What do you want Edward" I can barely say, attempting to sound blunt and in control but my voice wavers. 

"Just a chat" He mumbles. 

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