one hundered and ten.

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Luckily one of Luke's neighbours is just entering the block of his flat, luckily Flora had his address written down for some reason or another, it's been stuck on the fridge for a while. We head up in the lift, the guy who let us in giving Amber a winning smile, she smiles back. Niall looks a little ruffled - he insisted on tagging along when Amber told him. I leave the lift first as we reach the third floor striding ahead to Luke's door and knocking on it loudly. 

There's silence from within so I try again as Amber and Niall join me. 

"Ugh" I say, trying the door knob just in case, someone suddenly opens it, a tall guy in skinny jeans and a vest top - practically what Luke wears, but he has loads of brown hair and brown eyes, as well as a tan. He looks at me a little nervously, eyes looking to Amber. 

"Is Luke here..?" I ask desperately. 

"Erm.. No, I got back from work like 10 minutes ago, he's gone out? Can I help at all?" He asks, his Australian accent thick. I suppose we aren't the type of people usually looking for Luke. 

"I'm erm Harry... Flora's boyfriend, I think she might have come here.. " I say awkwardly, trying to contain my frustration with everything that's happening. 

"Oh! Small, ginger Flora? You're the boyfriend who hates Luke!" He says in recognition, I hear Niall chuckle behind me. 

"Yeah also really pregnant, can you call Luke for us?" I ask, trying to be nice. 

"Sure, come in" I see him shoot a look at Amber over my left shoulder and roll my eyes, stepping in past him and into the messy flat. Flora's suitcase is by the door, I breathe a sigh of relief, she's here. Even if they have gone out. 

"Give me a sec" His accent is out of place in the cold weather of a Northern British January.

"Sure" I say, looking around the room, Flora's jacket is on the sofa, I can't resist the urge to pick it up, catching the scent of her perfume as the material is ruffled. 

"Ashton by the way" He holds out his hand to me as he holds his phone to his ear. I shake it quickly, pleased someone is onto Flora. 

"Amber, Niall" I point to them individually. Ashton smiles at them both. 

"Luke, hey uh are you with Flora?" He asks. I obviously don't hear Luke's reply. 

"Looks like my question is answered them, where are you?" He asks. 

"It's just, your boyfriend is here looking for you.. what do I say.." He says... I look up and hold out my hand desperately. 

"Oh god.. I'm gonna pass you over" He says looking panicked. 

"Luke's driving" He says quickly as I snatch the phone from him. 

"Flo? I love you so much I didn't cheat on you? Where are you?" I say. 

"On the way to the hospital! I'm having stomach pain and I don't know why and I'm scared I might be in labour" She says, tears threatening in her voice. I almost drop the phone on the floor. Niall gives me a funny look.

"Harry I'm so scared they aren't ready to be born" She says. 

"Stop it, it's okay, which hospital" I attempt to calm her, even though she was supposed to be staying off her feet and relaxing to avoid this exact thing. 

"Manchester General" She says. 

"It's alright I'm coming, I'm sure everything is gonna be okay, I love you" I say. There's a pause. 

"I love you too" She whispers. I hang up, handing Ashton's phone back to him. 

"We have to go to the hospital, something might be happening with Flora" I say, already half way out the door. 

"What, oh my god is she in labour?!" Amber squeaks. 

"Hopefully not.. I don't know, just hurry up" I  order her, jabbing the lift button multiple times with my finger so that the doors close marginally faster. 

"Harry mate?" Niall says quietly. I look at him. 

"Calm down, please" He says. 

"I couldn't if I wanted to" I say striding from the lift, I swear if they aren't in the car by the time I start the engine I'll leave without them.


"Do you think you could tell me where the pain is?" The doctor asks as I lie back on the lumpy hospital bed. 

"Yeah.. really low down.. like by my hips" I say pointing as best I can. He prods me around the area I suggested. 

"And is it constant or reccuring?" He asks. 

"Recurring.. it's not really bad but it's been a few hours" I say nervously, gnawing at my lip. 

"Sure, okay I'm just going to do an examination and find out what's going on" He says, grabbing some gloves. I look at Luke. 

"Er.. Luke.." I say. 

"Oh, sorry" He blushes, backing out the door hastily. 

"Sorry, I thought he was your boyfriend" The doctor says. 

"No.. he's just a friend I'm visiting, hence why I'm not with my doctor.." I say awkwardly, making conversation as he prepares to fumble around down there. 

"Good news, you aren't in labour, no cervix dialation, could be braxton hicks or ligament pain, you're pretty far along, you ought to be taking it easy, have you had stress about anything?" He says with a frown, pulling the gloves off as I pull my clothes back on quickly. I'm so relieved I could cry.. again.

"Yeah.. a little, particularly today" I'm interuppted by a knock on the door. 

"Come in" The doctor calls, I thought it would be Luke hoping to be let back in but Harry has arrived,  looking much less than relaxed, followed by none other than Amber and Niall. The doctor watches on with a bemused expression. 

"What's going on?" He asks out of breath. 

"Nothing.. it's nothing, false alarm" I say, watching the colour return to his cheeks. 

"Could I only have one person in the exam room at a time please.." The doctor requests reluctantly. Harry shoots Amber, Niall and Luke a pointed look as they loiter in the doorway. 

"I'm so happy" Harry gushes.

"I'm advising you on bed rest until the little ones decided to turn up, and absolutely no stress or worry please. I expect you to be running around after her" The doctor says to Harry, he nods earnestly. 

"I will.. I promise" He says a hand gently rubbing at  my thigh. 

"I'm just going to do an ultrasound, make sure all's well, check their positioning" He says. I nod lying down again as he pulls the equipment out and prepares himself, I can't help but get a little excited, every time I've seen them since they were the size of two kidney beans has had my heart racing. Harry's eyes are fixated on the screen as the fuzzy picture comes up. 

"It's hard to get a whole picture because they're so big, baby on the right is head down ready to go, left baby is a little bigger bless him so he's probably finding it hard to turn himself, that could be what's causing the pain but if you stay off your feet he has plenty of time" The doctor describes. 

"Did you just say he, on the left, that's a boy?" Harry asks, ever observant. 

"Yep, sure is a he, you didn't know yet?" The doctor says. 

"No.. every other scan we've had they've both been awkward and wouldn't face the right way.." Harry says in awe, his hand gripping mine so tightly. 

"Well there you have it, boy on your left and a little girl on your right, one of each" 

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